Cool Fascismo hits newsstands worldwide this week!

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Hey Jammers,

As we head into fall, there's been a shift in the tone, the mood and feel of global politics. Cool Fascismo looks at the rise of fascist tendencies all over the world, exposing the symptoms of a sick, outdated and demagogic system. Everywhere you look, hatred and fear are increasingly normalized as the world falls deeper into chaos. Have we forgotten the lessons of the past, or is history doomed to repeat itself?

Cool Fascismo explores a world where a culture of cool is morphing into a culture of fear. From the compulsory buy-in to Silicon Valley to the insidious machinations of Wall Street to the geopolitical reality that allows Israel to sustain a half-century of violent occupation, this issue delves into the ways that fascist tendencies are creeping into our lives. Radical resistance can still be found, the democratic confederalism of the autonomous region of Rojava is a bright spot in otherwise darkened world.

In light of the coming American election, this issue pulls no punches. We’re calling out Trump for what he really is and we love seeing our readers have fun with the cover. Keep sending us your jams!

Image via @kentonlarsen

Cool Fascismo hits newsstands this week. Get it online - or subscribe and get a free digital version emailed to you immediately.

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