Instagram: Allow users to disable comments

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Petitioning Instagram, instagramsupport , Kevinsystrom , Mikekrieger

Tell Instagram to help stop bullying

Petition by Ela Mulet Rancho Cucamonga, California 14,375 Supporters Sign Ela’s petition

Instagram has become an important tool to keep up with friends and family, and to share in images what is happening in your life. But there is a dark side to social media. I recently noticed Instagram has an epidemic of bullying. Whenever I got on Instagram, I would see bullying comments I felt needed to be reported. It was horrible and made me think about the stories of how bullying on social media can lead to suicide, especially with younger users.

Too many teens are taking their lives due to bullying, and sites like Instagram make it easier to get bullied no matter where you are. This petition seeks to call attention to the bullying on Instagram and the consequences, especially among younger users, and to pressure the social media site to take action.

There is an easy fix: allow all users to disable comments. This will allow people to stop bullying in its tracks while still enjoying Instagram. At the moment, Instagram only allows this feature for high profile accounts like celebrities. Instagram says they will evaluate how the feature works with these accounts before rolling it out to all users. I want to keep the pressure on and ensure Instagram allows all users to disable comments, whether or not they’re high profile.

For those of us that have seen or faced bullying, this can’t happen soon enough. I’m not sure what Instagram is waiting for, but they shouldn’t expect their users to deal with it. We need this feature now. Tell Instagram the ability to turn off comments could save a life.

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