Authorization to continue receiving Electronic Messages from BCSEA

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January 7, 2021

Dear PAOV,

The BCSEA employs email and other communications that are governed by Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). Every two years we must ask for your renewal of permission to continue our electronic communications with you.

How you got onto our electronic communications list:

  1. You are a member and are aware of the communications we send to you.
  2. You are not a member but attended a BCSEA event and signed up to receive our communications.
  3. You signed up to receive our newsletter on our website.

All BCSEA communications have the option to ‘opt-out’ or stop receiving these communications.

This is our year to renew your consent. Should you not wish to receive electronic communications from BCSEA, please do so by selecting the ‘opt-out button’ below. If you do not ‘opt-out’ you... will continue to receive our news and communications.

Thank you for supporting the BC Sustainable Energy Association.


Jonathan Ho, Board Chair

Opt Out

Victoria, BC V8T 2L3