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r1 Caring for nature with strong environmental laws ... r19 February 2021 | Legal e-Brief FacebookTwitter YouTube Instagram WCEL logo Donate today!

Dear Paov,

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it’s full of opportunities to show how much we care for our communities and the environment.

Whether it’s protecting the coast from pollution, preparing ourselves for climate impacts, or shining a light on the ways that environmental harm disproportionately impacts Indigenous communities and people of colour – there are many ways to translate a love for nature into action.

Regulating the West Coast Cruise Industry: Canada at the Low Water Mark Cruise Ship Regulations report cover This month we released a new report with on Canada’s weak ocean pollution rules, which allow cruise ships to dump huge amounts of waste on the BC coast.

The report reveals how much stronger the rules are in neighbouring U.S. states, and how that hurts BC. Fortunately, the pandemic-induced pause in cruise ship traffic offers a crucial opportunity to rethink and strengthen Canada’s regulations to better protect coastal waters going forward.
It’s not too late for a Site C exit strategy Stop Site C flag West Coast's RELAW Program Lead, Maxine Hayman Matilpi, reflects on the ongoing impacts of the Site C dam for Peace River Valley communities, Indigenous rights, wildlife and food security.

Her blog explains why it's not too late for the BC government to develop an 'exit strategy' and avoid ever-rising costs associated with the BC Hydro megaproject.
Climate Science with Silvie: What does the Earth’s rising fever mean for BC? Map of BC with fire and rain cloud icons The planet has a fever – and our staff Climate Scientist Dr. Silvie Harder tells us why each degree of warming matters in preparing our communities for the impacts.

Read Silvie’s latest blog to learn why the global goal to limit warming by 1.5°C is so important, and how this seemingly small temperature shift will be felt in big ways across BC.
Take action: Help enact a climate law Canadians can be proud of Text over coastal sunset and person with outstretched arms The new Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act (Bill C-12) is working its way through Parliament, and could be sent any day now to the House Environment Committee where amendments will be considered.

Write a letter to federal politicians today and ask them to strengthen Bill C-12. Because the planet needs real climate accountability, yesterday.
Webinar: Who does climate change impact most? Text graphic: Who does climate change impact most? Countries and peoples that are least responsible for causing climate change are the ones suffering most from its effects.

On Fri. March 5th, UBC’s Sustainability Initiative will connect students, staff, and community leaders – including West Coast Staff Lawyer Eugene Kung – for an exploration of what climate justice means and why it’s so critical to climate solutions.

Register for the webinar here.
The work we do would not be possible without our incredible network of donors and supporters!

You can show how much you love the environment by making a tax-deductible donation to West Coast Environmental Law Research Foundation today. Thank you ♥
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The Legal E-Brief is a publication of West Coast Environmental Law Association