4 weeks away

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NationBuilder r1 Paov -- The case goes to trial in 4 weeks

In just 4 weeks, I’ll be in court for the first time.

That’s because today it was confirmed that on September 6, 2016 Dr. Brian Day will begin his legal attack on Canada’s public health care system.

We've been involved in this case since it began. If Day wins, the legal changes he wants to make would replace Canada’s single payer health care with a U.S.-style two-tier system.

It's important that many people as possible are paying attention to the case. Can you help spread the word by sharing the "I love public health... care graphic" on social media? Click here to share the case start announcement on facebook.

If you don't use facebook, you can also help by sharing this email with your family and friends!

Dr. Brian Day is the owner of Cambie Surgery Centre, a Vancouver for-profit clinic that has unlawfully over-billed patients thousands of dollars for necessary health care.

Now, Dr. Day wants to use the courts to change the laws that keep health care in Canada public and accessible to all.

This is a calculated campaign to do away with our public health care system, and we're less than a month away from the start of the case.

The BC Health Coalition is proud to be an intervenor in this case, along with Canadian Doctors for Medicare and two courageous patients. We're fighting to protect health care that is accessible to all, and is based on need, not income.

Please show your support for public health care by sharing the case start announcement now.

This legal challenge is the most serious threat Canada's public health care system has faced since it was created. Your support in the coming months will be crucial and it is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


British Columbia Health Coalition · 3102 Main St, 302, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territories, BC V5T 3G7, Canada
r9. To stop receiving r46.

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