Socialist Register 2019: The World Turned Upside Down

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LeftStreamed — Recorded in Toronto, 4 February 2019

Socialist Register 2019: The World Turned Upside Down

Introduced and moderated by Leo Panitch and Greg Albo. Featuring:

  • Sam Gindin: Trumping the Empire.
  • Nicole Aschoff: American’s tipping point? Between Trumpism and a new left.
  • Colin Leys: Corbyn and Brexit Britain: Is there a way forward for the left?

SR 2019 poses two overarching questions for the Left in a new period opened by the Trump election and the continued growth of right-wing nationalism around the world.

Is there an unwinding of neoliberal globalization taking place, or will globalization continue to deepen, but still deny the free cross-border movement of labour? Would such an unwinding entail an overall shift in power and accumulation to specific regions of the Global South that might overturn the current world order and... foster the disintegration of the varied regional blocs that have formed?

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(((( LeftStreamed Production ))))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Produced by the LeftStreamed Collective. Viewers are encouraged to
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