COVID-19 Crisis Situation In Ontario: Deadliest Day of the Pandemic

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COVID-19 Crisis Situation In Ontario: Deadliest Day of the Pandemic

Ontario Health Coalition

January 7th is the deadliest day of the pandemic so far, 89 people died in the last 24-hour period. By every measure the situation is critical, and there can be no question remaining that stronger measures are needed to control the devastation the virus is wreaking. At the same time, stronger supports for people who are the most impacted need to be an integral part of the strategy.


  • Public hospitals, which continue to make superhuman efforts to fill gaps, provide vital leadership and support across the health system, and keep hospital services open at the same time,... are now at or above full capacity across the board.
  • In Toronto, physicians are publicly reporting no beds, no resuscitation rooms, ICUs full, nowhere to admit patients.
  • The Burlington field hospital is open and patients from full hospitals in the region are being transferred there.
  • Morgues in London and Windsor are now full.
  • The Ontario Hospital Association is calling the situation “extremely serious” has put into effect its surge plans and is warning that ICU capacity (across the province) will be exceeded in coming weeks. It is planning for large scale transfers of patients.
  • ICUs from Chatham through the GTA are full (both with COVID patients and other patients). Surgeries and other care are being cancelled as a result.
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