60s Scoop Class Action - Request for

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60’s Scoop Class Action - Request for Amendment

sharon gladue started this petition, and it now has 16,674 signatures

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Time and time again, 60’s Scoop Survivors and Claimants have suffered... devastating loss of culture, language, identity, family, and community with little to no support for healing or repatriation.

The First Nations/Inuit 60s Scoop Settlement processing time has taken an unacceptable amount of time, and Survivors have frequently expressed that they’ve been unable to reach legal counsel for advice throughout this process. Many Survivors have also expressed that the Healing Foundation remains idle while survivors commit suicide out of despair, suffer from PTSD, and pass away waiting for this settlement to be finalized.

Despite a much higher volume of applicants, processing times in the Day Schools and Day Scholars settlements has been much more efficient and communication by Administrator Deloitte to that class has been consistent and timely. That has not been the case in the First Nations/Inuit Sixties Scoop claim.

The 60s Scoop Legacy of Canada has written to counsel in this claim, to implore them to hear the voices of Survivors in the need for:

A. The government of Canada to provide additional funding or resources to provincial post adoption/foster care/archives offices in order to verify applications;

B. For the four legal firms in the action to commit to supporting Claimants with reconsideration requests and assistance in supporting their claims in a timely way;

C. For Collectiva and the Reconsiderations Officer to create a simplified appeal form and process, set a 30-day review deadline of each appeal, as well as set aside potential interim payments for those claimants who submit an appeal;

D. To issue the collected interest as of April 1, 2022, to approved claimants together with a potential final payment;

E. To reopen the deadline for new applicants, and any successful claimants to be paid from the “enhanced amount” set aside in the settlement agreement as long as it does not interfere with current claims processing or amounts; and

F. To impose a new deadline for Collectiva to finalize this claim and add additional Administrator support for processing of claims (i.e. Deloitte, BPA, PWC or similar).

Survivors deserve to heal and move on. This settlement has dragged on past a reasonable time and, at a minimum, Claimants should receive the accumulated interest as part of their compensation.

Therefore, we the following support the 60s Scoop Legacy of Canada’s recommendations and request counsel include them in the motion to issue second and final payments currently underway

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