Endangered monarch butterflies

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PAOV — The “Champ des Monarques” is federally-owned land located near the Trudeau Airport in Montreal. It is an essential habitat for endangered species like the monarch butterfly. Recently, thousands of milkweed shoots — a plant vital to the survival of monarch caterpillars — were razed. Petition starter AnneClaude is urging the government to take action to ensure that the land is better protected for its resident endangered species. You can show your support by signing the petition now.

Un écosystème essentiel aux monarques à restaurer et protéger près de l’aéroport de Mtl.

13,203 have signed AnneClaude Foucault’s petition.... Let’s get to 15,000!

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4,000 milkweed plants in full bloom, were mowed down by the Aeroport de Montreal on the "Champ des monarques", a site well known for its richness and biodiversity and where Medicom gave up building its surgical mask filter manufacturing plant last January. This 19-hectare piece of land is located in a 150-hectare natural environment zone belonging to the federal government and for which ADM has management responsibility. This action, presented as a "normal maintenance operation" by ADM, is also described as "an appalling ransacking and an attack on the biodiversity of the island of Montreal" by Alexandre Boulerice, NDP MP for Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie, in an article in Le Devoir. According to the latter, "the government washes its hands of it by saying that it has a lease with ADM and that they are the ones managing the land”.

Faced with the present situation, we must unite our citizens’ voices to force the hand of institutions and decision-makers so that they no longer act only in our name, but also and above all in our interest. Thus:

Because the Monarch butterfly is a designated species at risk in Canada under the Species at Risk Act. Because on Canada.ca, we read that the government "manages its federal properties...to provide critical habitat for the migration of the Monarch". We know that milkweed is an essential plant for the survival of the Monarch butterfly.

Because the area is also a refuge for a multitude of insects, small animals and birds. In the brief submitted in 2021 as part of the public consultation on the mask factory project, Technoparc Oiseaux group counted 142 bird species on the site, including 10 species at risk and 33 recognized as "priority" species by Environment Canada.

As a concerned citizen, I ask that :

  • Transport Canada and the federal Department of the Environment and Climate Change take action now to protect all 150 hectares of federal land near the Montreal airport (including Monarch Fields, green spaces, wetlands, undeveloped vacant land, etc.) by amending ADM’s lease and ensuring responsible management of the area.
  • Aeroport de Montreal is restoring the "cleared" area by planting 4,000 milkweed plants, so that the monarchs (which will be arriving in a few weeks) can benefit as soon as possible from this space, which they are accustomed to using during their migration.

Our decision makers do not realize that there is not enough biodiversity left to preserve the balance of our ecosystem. They do not even realize that they are part of it! We have the duty to preserve all that remains of nature and to work to restore what we have destroyed, to stop seeing in an unexploited land a potential for profit, for new development, a capital to exploit. The survival of monarchs, insects, small animals, birds, as well as the human species, depends on it.

Thank you for your help!





Les photos du champs des monarques ont été fournies à La Presse par Technoparc Oiseaux pour l’article suivant:
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