A crime with many victims

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We're losing billions in tax at the expense of our schools and hospitals — because corporations and rich elites are stashing their wealth in offshore tax havens.

Now they're mobilizing to make sure this scandal doesn’t lead to reforms that force them to contribute their fair share.

Sign this petition to call on the Trudeau Government to crack down on offshore tax avoiders.

Sign Petition

It reads like a movie script. One of the biggest data leaks in history exposes billions of corporate dollars stashed away offshore – and high profile Canadians are playing a starring role. [1]

But the ‘Paradise Papers’ aren't a movie. It's a sickening reality for each and every one of us. Canada’s corporate giants and the billionaire class are robbing our local schools and hospitals of precious funding, while we’re left to pay the price.

There’s no question the Trudeau Government is feeling the heat – but it’s not just coming from the outraged public. Right now, you can bet shady corporate lobbyists are throwing their weight around, desperate to make sure this scandal doesn’t lead to reforms that force them to contribute their fair share. [2]

We need to make sure our people-powered demands for a crackdown on tax avoidance drown out the voices of vested interests. And the best way to do that is building a massive petition.

Will you add your name and join the fight against corporate tax avoidance?


The Trudeau government has promised time and time again to crack down on tax dodging, but now – in the face of these explosive revelations – we need more than words. [3]

But we know that a powerful billionaire’s law firm has already been doing everything in its power block offshore tax legislation that would close a particularly terrible loophole in our tax system. [4]

As we speak, politicians will be holding crisis meetings right now about the Paradise Papers in offices across the country. And powerful tax cheats will be out in force doing everything they can to stamp down reforms.

That’s why our movement needs to act fast. The only hope we have of competing against the enormous power of the corporate lobby is by coming together, and making sure our voices carry all the way to Parliament.

Supa, will you sign the petition to demand the government finally cracks down on tax avoidance?

The Paradise Papers have sent shockwaves through Canada. Loblaws, the Montreal Canadiens, past Prime Ministers and a top Liberal fundraiser have all been implicated, along with 3000 other corporations and Canada’s wealthiest elite. [5]

Tax cheating is an endemic problem, deeply rooted in undue corporate power over our political system. The corporations and elites who avoid contributing their fair share are responsible for increasing poverty and the ever-widening gap between the super rich and the rest of us.

Now, it’s time for us to do it once again. Are you in?

SIGN: https://act.leadnow.ca/tax-avoiders

In solidarity,

Logan and Brittany for the Leadnow team

P.S. In the past few weeks, thousands of us have taken action to support the government’s modest tax reform plan to close unfair loopholes that let the wealthy avoid paying their fair share. That campaign has come to an end, and please stay tuned for a longer report back on it next week.


[1] http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/paradise-papers-canada-connection-1.4386126
[2 + 4] ‘Billionaires' law firm helped wage 'Kill Bill' campaign to block offshore tax legislation’http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/paradise-papers-offshore-bronfman-lobbying-1.4384912
[3] ‘Liberals Fall Short On Promise To Close Tax Loopholes, Again’ http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/dennis-howlett/federal-budget-2017-tax-loopholes_b_15553858.html
[5] ‘More than 3,000 Canadian names in the Paradise Papers’ http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/paradise-papers-canada-connection-1.4386126

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