All hands on deck for pharmacare!
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- Published on Sunday, 29 November -0001 16:00
- Written by editor
Our friends at the Council of Canadians have issued an "all hands on deck" call after finding out that pharmacare legisilation might be coming as early as next week.
Can you call your MP and target ministers to ask them to support a universal pharmacare program?
Nik Barry-Shaw reports back in his message below from lobby meetings in Ottawa - where MPs shared how the Liberal caucus is divided about supporting a universal program.
With your help, we can bring the Liberal caucus on board and prevent further delays on this historic win.

Dear friends,
I’m writing to you from Parliament Hill,
where I have just learned that pharmacare legislation could be coming
sooner than expected – as early as next week. We also heard disturbing
indications the Liberal government could go back on their commitment
to a drug plan that covers all Canadians, because they think voters
don’t care. So... the next couple days are absolutely critical for people
like you and me to let the government know that we want
universal pharmacare or bust!
Together we need to remind key government actors – cabinet
members, and a few target MPs – that voters are paying attention, and
if they introduce a pharmacare bill tailored to protect Big Pharma’s
profits, rather than provide for people, it’s going to hurt them in
the next election.
This is an all hands on deck
moment — our movements have been fighting to bring coverage
for medicines into our public health care system since Medicare was
established more than 60 years ago, and your voice is needed,
right now, to help get it across the finish line.
Having our voices heard now is so important. During my meetings with MPs in Ottawa this week, many told me they haven’t heard from their constituents about pharmacare, and that makes them feel like it’s not a priority issue. In these last few days before the legislation arrives, we need to make sure MPs know that you want to see universal pharmacare, and you expect them to live up to the promises made to deliver it.
Let’s do this!
Trade and Privatization
The Council of Canadians
British Columbia Health Coalition · 3102 Main St, 302,
Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territories, BC V5T 3G7, Canada
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