PAOV Media - Videos

'First Past the Pizza': Delicious Electoral Reform?

A little satirical allegory on the Canadian electoral system, made as part of an ongoing video competition by FairVote Canada, which advocates for a more proportional system of representation.

Check out more entries and vote for your favourite on FairVote's YouTube page.

Sh*tHarperDid's Plot to Get a Satirical Ad on TV

The edgy folks behind are currently raising money to put the above satirical Economic Action Plan ad on prime time television.

They're past $27,000 now, with an original low goal of $6,000, but a high goal of $150,000 to get into an NFL slot. Impact costs green.

FILM "Greedy Lying Bastards" - Pirate Advanced Screening

The Peoples Assembly of Victoria(Tech Workgroup) has aquired an advanced copy of the film "Greedy Lying Bastards", we will be showing the film on May 1st.  Stay tuned for more info and watch the trailer here.

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David Rovics - Stay Right Here

David Rovics will be in Victoria Nov 23rd for complete details see our Event in the Calendar

Checkout for more songs

Interview with Noah Ross of the People's Assembly of Victoria

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