Indigenous activists, leaders: "This is what we fought for"


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Massive support for new UN Declaration Bill C-15

Indigenous activists, scholars and leaders have come together to make it clear that new legislation Bill C-15 (the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act) will be a major step forward if it becomes law. In a powerful new statement, which touches on the decades of work that have led up to this Bill, they state: "This is what we fought for."

To further help address confusion and misinformation about Bill C-15 and the UN Declaration, the Coalition for the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples released a detailed backgrounder on self-determination and free, prior, and informed consent. It will help you to understand what these important terms mean, what they do not mean, and how they relate to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Download the backgrounder (PDF).

A growing number of groups, including Canadian churches and faith houses, have also stepped forward to support Bill C-15 and implementing the UN Declaration into laws and policies in Canada.

We invite you to join a CFSC co-sponsored event on February 18 to learn more: Canada, the Churches, and Bill C-15: UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act.

A panel of experts will describe Bill C-15, explore the support and opposition to the Bill, and explain why it is important to churches.

Time to make Canada Pension Plan ethical

Canada Pension Plan invests in companies with poor track records including weapons manufacturers, companies that abuse human rights, and major contributors to climate change. If this troubles you, you can sign this parliamentary e-petition in support of a private members bill requiring that CPP invest ethically:

Quaker United Nations Summer School goes virtual

For decades CFSC has partnered with the Quaker United Nations Offices. Applications for the 2021 Quaker United Nations Summer School are now open. The summer school will take place in a virtual format, due to the pandemic, from the 5th to the 16th of July, 2021.

The Quaker United Nations Office invites applications from young people aged 20 to 26 who are interested in learning more about the United Nations and Quaker work at the international level. Applications close on the 15th of February. Find out more and apply at:

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Is that literally true?

Our latest blog post for Psychology Today highlights how exaggeration contributes to misunderstandings and conflicts. It offers simple yet powerful tips for communicating in ways that are more likely to get your needs met.

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