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THE TRANSIT REFERENDUM - Did You Get Around to Voting?

MARCH 27, 2015


Are you living in the Metro-Vancouver area? If so, ballots are on their way for the Transit Referendum.

BCSEA is a proud partner of Better Transit & Transportation -

a coalition of organizations pushing for a YES vote to insure a community with better transit and improved transportation infrastructure. We have developed Our Ten Best Reasons for Voting YES in the Transportation Referendum to illustrate why voting YES means you will be voting for a better future.

Pledge your YES vote. By expressing your pledge to vote, you are helping grow the movement of committed YES voters. www.bettertransit.info/pledge

Step it up and make a difference. If you are interested in volunteering to help the YES campaign, visit www.bettertransit.info/volunteer

Stand up and show your support. Join your voice with others at the upcoming Better Transit & Transportation Coalition Rally and Reception - April 1, 2015. This FREE event will feature speakers representing the 140+ NGOs and community groups standing up for better mobility in the region.
Learn more...

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Other recent BCSEA Stories you may have missed:

Our Ten Best Reasons for Voting YES in the Transportation Referendum: https://www.bcsea.org/ten-best-reasons-for-voting-yes-transportation-referendum

How to Cut Your Electricity Bills in Half - a Kaslo Story: https://www.bcsea.org/how-to-cut-your-electricity-bills-half-kaslo-story

Are Your Sustainability Projects Shovel-Ready? https://www.bcsea.org//shovel-ready-projects

Could BC’s Future Ferries Be Electric? https://www.bcsea.org/could-bcs-future-ferries-be-electric

The 2040 Climate Imperative: https://www.bcsea.org/2040-imperative

British Columbia Sustainable Energy Association - Registered non-profit #S-47054
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