BREAKING: restrictive approach to assisted dying "shot down in flames" by AB Court of Appeal

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BREAKING: Alberta Court of Appeal slams federal government's approach to assisted dying

Gloria Taylor, her mom and sister

Dear PAOV,

With just hours to go before MPs vote, Bill C-14 has been given a major judicial smack-down.

The federal government's restrictive approach to medically assisted dying has been "shot down in flames"1 by the Alberta Court of Appeal.

A panel of appeal court judges say the government is flouting the Carter v. Canada ruling when it argues that assisted dying should apply only to those who are close to death.

It really can't be any clearer-- Bill C-14 is unconstitutional.

But if MPs vote yes on Bill C-14 they will put in place a new law that violates the Charter rights of suffering Canadians, and Canadians will be forced to live under that law until it is dragged through the courts all over again. That is too much to ask of sick and suffering families.

That's why we need you to take action today.

We're asking you to use this online tool to write your MP today, demanding safe access to medically assisted dying.

It's not too late. Many MPs have publicly declared that they will vote against the overly restrictive bill.

A vote for Bill C-14 is a vote to knowingly violate the Charter rights of suffering Canadians. How will your MP vote?

The Minister of Justice and your MP need to hear from you right now. Contact your MP today.


Grace Pastine,
BCCLA Litigation Director

P.S. Please take the time out of your day to stand up for critically ill Canadians who deserve the right to make their own end of life choices.

1.Federal rationale for restricting assisted dying shot down by Alberta appeal court.

More information- What happens if Bill C-14 is defeated?

The Supreme Court of Canada’s death with dignity ruling will come into effect on June 6th.

Critically ill Canadians will be able to avail themselves of physician-assisted dying without the need to seek an order for an exemption from a court.

There will be no regulatory vacuum. Patients will be required to meet the rigorous criteria set out by the Supreme Court of Canada. Physician-assisted dying will be regulated by the provincial and territorial laws that apply to health care matters and the standards of the medical profession.

Physicians will be required to follow the mandatory directives of their governing medical colleges which have promulgated detailed guidelines and safeguards pertaining to the practice of physician-assisted dying. In short, these will be medical decisions that will be made by critically ill patients and their physicians.


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