Taking Action for a Strong Poverty Reduction Plan

NationBuilder r1 BC Poverty Reduction Coalition

BC Poverty Reduction Coalition

Congratulations to everyone who joined us in the call for a poverty reduction plan – we... finally have a new government that will implement a poverty reduction plan for BC! Now we need your help in making sure that the plan is meaningful and accountable to people living in poverty.

As a first step, thank your MLA for their commitment to a poverty reduction plan for BC with legislated targets and timelines, and urge them to prioritize this commitment as they move forward. We’re thrilled that it’s written into the NDP-Green Agreement as a critical priority as they work to form government now.

Your MLA has an opportunity to take strong and meaningful action on this issue and they need to hear your support! Now is the time to say a big, collective thank you!

If you only have a few seconds, email all three leaders here.

But it doesn’t take long to do more. It’s easy, here are step-by-step instructions:

  1. Use this MLA finder to find your local MLA, and then look up their contact details in our spreadsheet.
  2. We’ve heard that the best way to get noticed is to send a hand-written card so write your own message in a card or use this sample text.
  3. Write to the leaders using this sample (especially if you represent an organization – use your fancy letterhead!)
  4. Write to your local MLA and follow up with a meeting too:
  5. Make sure to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">let us know how your meeting went!

We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can quietly become a power no government can suppress, a power that can transform the world.”

Howard Zinn, 2010

BC Poverty Reduction Coalition · Canada
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