White Supremacists threatening Wet'suwet'en actions throughout country

White Supremacists threatening Wet'suwet'en actions throughout country r1 ... Share this Email White supremacist vigilante groups have put a call out for people to use violence against blockades throughout the country today. If there is an ongoing blockade or action in your area numbers are needed to keep people safe.

Two Sons of Oden members approached the BC legislature yesterday evening and then surrounded it with trucks honking their horns. Bomb threats have also been made against the Unist'ot'en and Tyendinaga Mohawks.

The Indigenous youth occupying the BC legislature have put a call out for people to stand with them throughout the day today.

While this is incredibly upsetting people are not standing down and new actions are happening every day. It is imperative that people show up and stand in solidarity with the indigenous people on the front lines making sacrifices and standing in harms way for what is right. Three incredible videos were released yesterday that illustrate the amazing power of this movement:
  1. Chief Woos reflecting on the visit of Wet'suwet'en Hereditary chiefs to Mohawk Territory
  2. A video of the Gitxsan taking over the highway of tears for 8 hours and forcing the RCMP to release their hereditary chiefs who were arrested after blocking the rail line.
  3. Victoria Redsun speaking to APTN about being arrested during the raid on the Unist'ot'en Camp.
If you can, take 15 minutes to pause your day and watch them all in full. This moment is historic, and has only just begun. ACTIONS AND FUNDRAISERS HAPPENING TODAY
Find or Post Actions Here

BELLEVILLE (Feb 29): https://www.facebook.com/events/193144761758212/

BURNABY (Feb 29): https://www.facebook.com/events/215368846174530/

KELOWNA (Feb 29): https://www.facebook.com/events/2640671029502660/

NORTH VANCOUVER (Feb 29): https://www.facebook.com/events/474242896790615/

RIMOUSKI (Feb 29): https://www.facebook.com/events/606810776547690/

TORONTO (Feb 29):https://www.facebook.com/events/552005328856191/
Beautiful recap of our Chiefs' voyage on Mohawk Territory with Chief Woos' reflections on the importance of this moment for all people. All our love and solidarity to our Mohawk brothers and sisters, this is the beginning of a long and fruitful friendship A must watch video from the road blockade on Gitxsan Territory

"On Feb 24, Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs Spookw, Gwininitxw, and Dawamuux were arrested at a Wet'suwet'en and Mohawk solidarity blockade on the CN rail tracks that run through unceded Spookw territory in the town of New Hazelton, British Columbia.

14 arrests were made in total, including journalist and filmmaker Melissa Cox who contributed footage to this video report.

When Gitxsan community members learned of the arrests, they blocked Highway 16 and demanded the release of the chiefs. What followed was an 8 hour stand-off, where police were outnumbered and stood down as Gitxsan community members, their Wet'suwet'en neighbours, and supporters held bonfires on the main highway through Gitxsan and Wet'suwet'en territories, and blocked all traffic.

The Gitxsan hereditary chiefs, together with hereditary chiefs from the Wet'suwet'en nation, were plaintiffs in the landmark Delgamuukw-Gisday'wa court case. The Supreme Court of Canada found that Canada had never extinguished title to over 55,000km2 of Gitxsan and Wet'suwet'en land.

When the Chiefs were released, the spontaneous gathering dispersed with no further arrests. Upon release, Chief Spookw told the crowd: 'I hope this increases the resolve of our people because it's our future, our title to this land that's at risk. For them to come and arrest me on my territory, my family's territory, my Wilp's [House Group's] territory, to come and arrest us for trespass - is wrong. It's an issue that has to be corrected. They cannot have that option.'

Video report by Michael Toledano and Melissa Cox" Victoria Redsun, a Dene and Cree, Winnipeg based artist
speaks about being arrested at the Unist'ot'en Camp

"I went to Unist'ot'en in the summer for the youth art camp, and I recognized the healing of the land, and it really angered me and hurt me deep inside seeing the CGL workers and RCMP going through the territory. I asked the matriarchs of the territory if I could come back for the Winter. I decided to come back after learning that the Wet'suwet'en speak a similar dialect to the Dene and I recognize them as my relatives, so I saw this as an ancestral fight that I needed to fight." Love and Rage,
Unist'ot'en Solidarity Brigade

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