REMINDER: Call Liberty Mutual insurance to drop TMX

REMINDER: Call Liberty Mutual insurance to drop TMX r1 ...

There’s no insuring pipelines are safe

Dear Paov,

You can’t build a pipeline without insurance. And it’s becoming harder for Trans Mountain to justify the risks to the companies providing it.

Its insurance policy is up in August, so today we’re turning up the heat on American insurance giant Liberty Mutual, one of the pipeline’s biggest providers. Will you call their head office and ask them to cancel Trans Mountain’s policy?

Call now Liberty Mutual provides almost $250 million in coverage to insure the existing Trans Mountain pipeline and is also lining up to cover the expansion. TMX is not allowed to transport dirty tar sands oil without insurance. If we can stop the flow of insurance dollars, we can stop the flow of pipelines.

Can you take a moment today to call the company’s head office? Ask them to drop Trans Mountain and adopt guidelines so their business interests align with a safe climate and require Indigenous consent. Call now! Trans Mountain’s economics fall apart further every day. Every financial hurdle and headache we can throw in front of this pipeline brings it one step closer to its end.

For the climate, P.S. If you'd rather dial yourself, the number for their head office in Boston is 1-617-357-9500. Then press 6 to speak to a real person! Donate |r0.

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