Trans Mountain has a new boss — and shes talking green?

Trans Mountain has a new boss — and she’s talking green? r1 ...

Tell Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland
to walk the walk

Hi Paov,

Sometimes on a campaign you get just the break you need.

This week, the Trans Mountain pipeline’s biggest champion in the federal cabinet resigned. Bay Street’s best friend Bill Morneau is gone as finance minister. And his replacement is talking a big game about “building back better” after COVID-19 — will you hold her to it?

WRITE NOW “I think all Canadians understand that the restart of our economy needs to be green,” said Minister Chrystia Freeland in her first press conference in the new role.

Couldn’t agree more! Where we differ, I’m sure, is exactly what that means. There’s nothing green about a pipeline to expand our most polluting industry. Now, I don’t expect Freeland to come to her senses and abandon Trans Mountain without a push.

That’s where you come in. Will you write to her today? TAKE ACTION For months, we’ve highlighted skyrocketing costs and massive delays facing construction of the pipeline. But it’s a lot to ask for a finance minister to admit he was wrong to spend $4.5 billion of public money on a boondoggle. Now we’ve got a fresh start.

With each passing day, the case for Trans Mountain falls further apart. And with the federal government ready to spend big to cut carbon pollution, it’s clear they should not be working against those efforts by building a new pipeline. It’s time to end this hypocrisy once and for all.

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