If you give a hoot about spotted owls...

If you give a hoot about spotted owls... r1 ...

The way ahead for spotted owls needs to be wild. Will you join us?

Hi Paov,

Spotted owls in Canada are dangerously close to disappearing. They’ve been getting logged out of house and home.

That’s why you and I need to stand up for them. The path to their protection will require our biggest, wildest plans. Choosing this path forward has never been so critical with so much at stake.

Here’s my gift for the path ahead Many Indigenous cultures on the West Coast regard owls as powerful messengers. Ancient stories passed down from generation to generation talk about owls and other wild creatures of the old-growth forest.

Spotted owls — now with only three individuals remaining in the wild — have a powerful message for all of us. Too much old-growth forest has been logged and the BC government needs to stop wrecking this precious ecosystem now. Hanging in the balance are all manner of wondrous wild creatures that rely on the old forests for their very existence.

Your gift today ensures we can continue to be out in the valleys with the remaining old forests to gather the latest information on logging destruction, collect compelling photos and videos, update maps and work with a spotted owl expert to produce detailed reports.

This information has been critical over the last few months to accelerate our campaign for the protection of spotted owl habitat. We are actively engaging with the federal government, Spuzzum First Nation and the province to halt the tide of extinction rising in the forests around us.

We can win this. But before we can win there’s more we need to do while there’s still time. There are court cases to prepare with our allies, expeditions to go on and actions to pull off.

I am asking you to walk with us step by step in the months ahead. Will you continue with us on the wild path? Yes I’ll keep it wild for the spotted owls! Thank you again for sticking with us. Wishing you and yours a safe and happy winter season.

For the wild,
Joe Foy
Protected Areas Campaigner
Wilderness Committee P.S. Any amount strengthens our footing on the path forward. This year marks 40 years the Wilderness Committee’s been working to protect wilderness and wildlife, and your donation keeps us on that wild path. If you’ve already made a donation, my sincere thanks to you! r0.

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People powered wilderness preservation for a wild future.
Charitable Registration # 11929-3009-RR0001
Wilderness Committee
46 E. 6th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5T 1J4
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