Neutrogena + animal testing

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PAOV —Dove just changed the beauty industry forever by announcing they will stop globally testing on animals. This decision by one of the largest body care brands makes high schooler Ayame Lewis' petition asking Neutrogena to go cruelty-free even more impactful. Sign today to add your support.

Petitioning Jan Hall (Neutrogena President), Salini Bowen, Jose Bimont, Neutrogena Tell Neutrogena to stop all animal testing

Petition by Ayame Lewis
Gardena, CA


Sign now with a click I’m an animal lover and a student at San Pedro High School in San Pedro, CA. I’ve always loved animals and try to do everything I can to protect them. That instinct grew stronger after I stumbled upon videos of lab animals in captivity. I saw screaming rabbits, limping rats, badly burned mice, and many more horrifying conditions.

I do not believe animals should suffer just so we can feel more beautiful.

After watching those videos, I was determined to do anything I could to stop these practices. I started to write letters to these companies, including Neutrogena, after I learned that PETA had blacklisted the company for its animal testing practices. Neutrogena is one of the largest and most influential beauty care companies in the world.

These beauty care company labs apply and inject chemicals into the animal’s skin or eyes to test the reaction of the substance to skin and organs. These badly damaged lab animals rarely receive any care for the injuries inflicted upon them during the testing process, and all are killed when they are no longer considered useful -- usually by asphyxiation (suffocation), or decapitation.

This gruesome reality is part of the reason why 50% of U.S. adults are against animal research testing -- according to a recent Pew Research Center poll. Also, according to The Humane Society, nearly 40 countries around the world banned cosmetic testing on animals. But none of it is necessary. Beauty companies can use some of the many chemicals that have already been proven safe. Or, they can choose to use non-animal testing methods.

Many of these non-animal testing methods are actually cheaper, quicker, and more reliable than animal testing. This is why so many companies have made the switch from animal testing to non-animal testing. It’s time for Neutrogena to join other beauty care companies and take the next step.

Help send an important message today by signing this petition and telling Neutrogena it’s time to end its cruel animal testing programs. Sign now with a click Visit petition page

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