Canada Post strike

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PAOV — Senate has passed legislation that forces Canada Post workers back on the job. Petition starter Caitlin believes this puts Canadian workers “back into a situation where they are in dangerous work environments with unequal and unfair treatment and wages.” She’s urging the government to respect their right to protest for fair conditions. If you agree, add your name.

Petitioning Justin Trudeau, Patty Hajdu Justin Trudeau: Stop the Government from forcing CP Workers back to work!

Petition by Caitlin Waddington
Orillia, Canada


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The back to work legislation passed by the Senate removes all leverage the workers and union holds. You will be forcing Canadian workers back into a situation where they are in dangerous work environments with unequal and unfair treatment and wages. It will show Canadian's that you will take the side of corporations and not your people.

Be better, Canada. We take care of our people.

This problem could be solved by not forcing Canada Post workers back to work. Also by mediation to come to an agreement. If you are going to force someone's hand. Don't do it at the cost of hard working citizens.

Personal story
I do not work for Canada Post. I just stand in solidarity and will be completely devastated to see my government, in this country I am so proud to call me own, be responsible for the mistreatment of Postal Workers. Sign now with a click Visit petition page

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