A victory for Julia


Victory for Julia

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Dear friends and supporters,

We are relieved to announce that the BC Supreme Court has adjourned our medical assistance in dying (MAID) case, after one of the government’s own expert witnesses admitted that our client, Julia Lamb, now qualifies for an assisted death if she requests it.

This is a huge victory for Julia and for the many people like her who might find themselves suffering unbearably with no end in sight.

Read our full press release here.

In 2016, we took the federal government to court to challenge the requirement that MAID is only available to those whose death is “reasonably foreseeable.” The restriction trapped many people like Julia with degenerative, chronic illnesses in prolonged pain and suffering.

Now, a government expert has stated that there is medical consensus that a patient’s death will become reasonably foreseeable if they refuse care that will lead to death.

In Julia’s case, she would be at risk of developing a chest infection if she decided to stop using her nighttime ventilator, and her natural death would be “reasonably foreseeable” if she refused treatment for the infection.

Mercifully, the government’s evidence means that patients are not required to refuse preventative care, enduring additional pain and suffering, in order to access MAID.

In response to this decision, Julia Lamb stated: “For years, I have lived in fear that there may come a time when I become trapped in pain and suffering. I feel like a shadow has been lifted now that I don’t have to live in fear of the future.”

Our case secured peace of mind for Julia – and will improve care for all patients. The case is now paused with no future date for a trial.

However, make no mistake – we will go to trial if we learn that others like Julia are being denied their fundamental constitutional right to a compassionate and peaceful dying process.

Read more here.

Thank you for standing with Julia and the BCCLA in this fight to ensure her right to die with dignity.

Grace Pastine
Litigation Director

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