Before you vote

OpenMedia r1


In less than 72 hours, polls open across Canada for the 2019 federal election.

We’ve seen an unprecedented focus on some of OpenMedia’s core issues this election, with almost all of the... major parties talking about cell phone affordability, and widespread attention to the data political parties hold on us. Yet there is so much more work to do.

Before you vote, we want to make sure you have the most up to date information on where the parties stand on these key Internet and privacy issues:

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(Images not loading? Click here to view our issue summaries on OpenMedia’s website.)

At OpenMedia, we believe that an open, affordable, and surveillance free internet is essential to a healthy democracy. And we know that whichever party or parties form the next government, we’ll have to keep working together to hold them accountable.

Thank you for being a part of it,

Matthew at OpenMedia

P.S. Have you made your plan to vote yet? Research shows that people who make a clear plan for when they're going to vote, and imagine what they’ll be doing right before voting, are much more likely to follow through and actually do it! So where will you be on Monday? At home, at work, somewhere else? And how will you get to the polls? Check out Elections Canada’s website for all the info you need on how to vote in your riding.


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