I hope Biden will keep his promise



The Keystone XL pipeline has been in the news a lot this week.

But the media acts like everyone in Canada supports this project. I was especially frustrated after reading an Edmonton Journal piece on KXL that quoted five people, including a fossil fuel lobbyist, but didn’t include a single voice opposing the project.1

Despite this kind of disappointing coverage, I know that opposition for Keystone stretches from coast to coast. Thousands of people have already signed our open letter calling on Biden to keep his pledge to cancel Keystone XL.

I hope you’ve had a chance to read the open letter. Can you take a minute to add your name?

Today, we put out a new video that recaps the key moments in the fight against Keystone XL. It’s truly moving to look back at footage and photos from the last 12 years. Indigenous communities and the climate movement have been fighting this project for over a decade. People across Canada and the US have sacrificed their time, their resources, and sometimes even their freedom to stand in the way of KXL. Watch the video here:

Screenshot of a video that reads

Now we have an opportunity to kill KXL for good. This is no time to let up. Will you sign the open letter?

Stopping KXL only emboldens the case to stop Trans Mountain. It will send a clear message: there is no future for tar sands pipelines.

The principles of science and justice demand that we stand our ground on KXL, TMX and all other fossil fuel projects.

That’s why getting Biden to keep his word on KXL is so important. Add your voice.

I can’t wait for us to hit 10,000 signatures so we can formally deliver this open letter to Biden ahead of his upcoming inauguration. I’m ready to start challenging the media narrative that all of Canada is behind KXL. As you know, that’s just not the case. Together we’re going to get the truth out.

In solidarity,



1 - Edmonton Journal: Alberta, Ottawa will make case for completing Keystone XL to Biden administration

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