Alcohol warning labels

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PAOV — This issue is in the news, add your name to Courtney’s petition to put warnings on alcohol labels.

Advertise alcohol warnings about side effects and proper consumption on each container

1,121 have signed Courtney Gorman’s petition. Let’s get to 1,500!

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“Alcohol-related deaths remain a silent epidemic.” - Camille Bains, The Canadian Press (June 13, 2019).

The media normalizes drinking culture at all legal and illegal ages, at... all celebrations and many college movies or teen advertisements.

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention recommends only having ONE or TWO drinks per day, with a TWO day sober break in between. Why isn’t this somewhere on a label like cigarettes or marijuana packages? Alcohol can be very dangerous to our health in many ways.

According to, in 2019 alcohol-use was responsible for 2.44 millions deaths. What are we waiting for?

In my opinion alcohol distributors should be responsible for identifying the risks associated with binge drinking on each individual label. Might we even include a support line for those already addicted or on their way? Perhaps the CRISIS line, just in case?

Please sign my petition and be part of the change! Thank you so very much in advance. Keep smiling :)

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