Increase fines for hit and runs in BC! and 4 more recommendations

Email template | Change.orgr1 "Fair Pay For Instacart Shoppers", "Help Dvir stay in Canada", "Affordable rent in bc", "Promote more environmentally friendly exploration technologies"

PAOV, here are 5 petitions that need your help this week Suggestions based on petitions you signed

Increase fines for hit and runs in BC!

As many of you know I run a YouTube channel called "Vancouver’s Worst Drivers Dashcam" and I see many hit and run videos on a monthly basis where drivers will... hit other vehicles, cyclists, or pedestrians and drive off with...

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Fair Pay For Instacart Shoppers

You’ve probably heard of or used Instacart, a personal shopping app used by millions. What you may not know, is how poorly Instacart shoppers are paid. If you have used the app as a customer, you most likely enjoy that...

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Help Dvir stay in Canada

Dvir is a 32-year-old man who came to Canada to live in peace and tranquility. Dvir is a guy who likes to work and doesn’t want to make trouble, he just wants to live in a country where the people...

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Affordable rent in bc

Our rent over the years has inflated to a un achievable cost where family’s are living in tents because they can just afford food but can’t afford a $2000 rental price for a 2 bedroom 700sqft condo with no utilities...

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Promote more environmentally friendly exploration technologies

Hi, I’ve developed an AI method to find metals without use of widespread exploration mining practices. I’ve done this to help create the battery economy, by identifying critical metals for batteries, such as nickel, cobalt, copper, and the super magnetic metal...

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