King Charles + Canadas money

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PAOV — The government has confirmed that an image of King Charles will be put on Canadian coins and the $20 bill during the next design process. While bank notes are frequently used to honour the head of state, important Canadians, and important moments in Canadian history, an Indigenous woman has never been featured on Canada’s currency. The Native Women’s Association of Canada started their petition to increase representation on Canada’s currency. You can join them in urging the government to include an Indigenous woman on Canadian currency during the next design change by signing the petition now.

Support having an Indigenous woman on the next Canadian bank note

36,474 have signed Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC)’s petition. Let’s get to 50,000!

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Indigenous women have played an integral role in shaping the history and culture of Canada, yet they have been historically excluded from mainstream representation.

It’s time for change.

The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is launching "Change The Bill" – a campaign aimed at fostering reconciliation through art.

We are calling on all Canadians to support the recognition and representation of Indigenous women by signing our petition to feature an Indigenous woman on a Canadian bank note. By signing this petition, you are taking a stand for a more inclusive and equitable society for all Canadians.

"Change The Bill is not just about placing an Indigenous woman on a banknote, it is about recognizing the contributions and significance of Indigenous women in Canada and creating a more inclusive society," says Lynne Groulx, CEO of NWAC.

Sign our petition to call for change and representation on Canadian bank notes.

Follow the campaign on social media using #ChangeTheBill and @NWAC_Canada on Instagram. Let us know who you would nominate.

Learn more about the women and artists featured in this campaign at , where you can support the Indigenous artists by purchasing prints of their artwork for $20.

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