Youre invited…BUT!

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Friend , the Council of Canadian’s Annual Meeting of Members is coming up on June 17th. This is an exciting opportunity to learn about the Council’s work, vote on resolutions, and ask questions of your own. In addition, there are other important dates leading up to the meeting, listed below.

BUT! – you have to be a member to vote. The good news is that it’s easy to do. With a donation of almost any amount you can become a member. Just do it before May 16th.

Did I say it was easy? Just click here to find out how easy!

Thank you for your support and I look forward to you becoming a Council of Canadians member as well.


Wayne Adams
Interim Director of Development and Membership Services
The Council of Canadians

Dear Friend,

Please save the dates for this year’s Resolutions Town Hall and Candidate’s Forum. These two events are taking place in the leadup to the Annual Meeting of Members, which is scheduled for June 17th, 2023. Find out more about the AMM on our website.

You need to become a member before the May 16th, 2023, deadline. This will ensure you are eligible to vote* at the June 17th, 2023, AMM. Becoming a member is easy! You can find out more about becoming a member here.

Become a Member

Candidates’ Forum
Save the date for May 25th! The Candidates’ Forum will give members an opportunity to meet with and ask questions of the candidates for this year’s election for at-large Board members. The list of nominees and more information on voting will be available on the website after May 17th.

WHAT: Candidates’ Forum
WHEN: Thursday, May 25th, 2023, 4 p.m. PT / 5 p.m. MT / 6 p.m. CT / 7 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. AT / 8:30 p.m. NT
WHERE: On Zoom
All details, including the registration link and voting instructions, will be sent in a future email.

Resolutions Town Hall
Save the date for June 3rd! The Resolutions Town Hall will give members an opportunity to ask questions and get clarification of the resolutions that have been submitted for the 2023 AMM. The resolutions will be available on the website after May 17th.

Debate, voting and amendments will not take place at this Town Hall. It will only happen at the June 17th AMM.

WHAT: Resolutions Town Hall
WHEN: Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, 10 a.m. PT / 11 a.m. MT / 12 p.m. CT / 1 p.m. ET / 2 p.m. AT / 2:30 p.m. NT
WHERE: On Zoom
All details, including the registration link, will be sent in a future email.

*The Council of Canadians by-laws limit voting at any meeting to those members who are registered before the official notice for that meeting is given. To vote at this year’s AMM, please ensure you become a member by May 16th, 2023.

If you have any questions about the AMM, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call us toll-free at 1-800-387-7177.

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Council of Canadians200-240 Bank StOttawa, ON K2P 1X4 Canada

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