Proportional Representaion

We’re ready to go all in on the biggest campaign we’ve ever run in BC to win proportional representation for our Province. But before we can get to work, we need to know if you’re with us.


It’s on! BC’s Attorney General has just recommended that in October of this year, British Columbians will vote in a referendum on proportional representation. [1]...

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for British Columbians to decide what kind of province we want to live in. Are we going to settle for the broken system we have now, where decisions are made in backroom meetings plagued by self-serving political insiders, and politicians break promise after promise without consequence?

Or will we come together to push for a better kind of politics, where the voices of everyday British Columbians are heard, and where our decision makers are accountable to us - the people who vote for them?

The answer depends on you. We’re ready to go all in on the biggest campaign we’ve ever run in BC to win proportional representation for our province. But before we can get to work, we need to know if you’re with us.

We’re sitting down on Monday to decide how much of our capacity we can put into this campaign. So, if you want us to go all in to win this referendum, will you sign the pledge now?


Winning proportional representation for BC isn’t going to come without a fight. Research shows that voting systems like first-past-the-post give enormous power to political insiders and elite interests -- and the anti-PR campaign is teaming with them. [2] Political operatives like Bill Tieleman, Suzanne Anton and Bob Plecas have already launched a campaign to scare voters into thinking that upgrading our voting system will be too complicated for us to understand, and that our current system is working just fine. [3]

They’re going to fight tooth and nail to block progress and keep the first-past-the-post system -- so if we want to win, we need to pull out all the stops. We’ve got an ambitious plan to win proportional representation for BC and usher in a new kind of politics to our province. But if we’re going to put everything we’ve got into this campaign -- we need to know if the Leadnow community is behind us.

So, do you want us to go all in to win PR for BC?


We’re in this together,

Chloe and Rachel, on behalf of Leadnow

P.S. Thanks to all of the Leadnow members who participated in the government's online survey for the referendum process. The Attorney General has recommended a process that we think gives us a fair shot at winning this thing, and we will be following up with more information about the rules of the referendum in the days to come.[4] Stay tuned!


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