Beekeepers at the Bayer AGM


Bayer’s annual shareholder meeting was a PR disaster -- and it’s all thanks to you!

With the international spotlight of the world on Bayer, we made sure to get one message trending online on Twitter, into the press and right in front of the shareholders’ noses: Bayer’s profits come with a hefty price tag -- the massive global die-off of our bees.

With your help, we sponsored beekeepers' attendance at the shareholder meeting and directly confronted Bayer about its bee-killing pesticides. The beekeepers joined a group of incredible SumOfUs volunteers, and together we made our protests heard, handed out leaflets and staged a mock-funeral for “the last bee”.

Want to check out the action? Watch the video to see how beekeepers and SumOfUs volunteers crashed Bayer’s shareholder party.

You don't have Facebook? No problem, here's the video on Youtube.

Meanwhile, inside the AGM, there was no getting away from our message either. Over 5000 shareholders supported our countermotion against Bayer’s board of directors. We listened as key investors raised concerns about neonics’ deadly effects. Even within the company, the tide against the pesticides is turning -- because of YOU.

The beekeepers and volunteers in our AGM delegation were able to stand up to Bayer with full confidence, knowing their voices represented those of hundreds of thousands of SumOfUs members the world over. Thank you for helping to make that happen!

I hope you’ll join me in being proud of everything we’ve achieved together. You were there in 2013, when the EU passed its first partial ban on neonic pesticides. You helped France pass a full ban on the toxic chemicals three years later. This year, your signatures, tweets, emails and donations tipped the scales in favour of a complete EU-wide ban on three of the deadliest neonics. And just three weeks ago, the European Court of Justice dismissed Bayer and Syngenta’s lawsuit against EU measures to protect the bees.

We couldn’t be more grateful for your support. And we’re not going to stop fighting on your “bee”-half.

Watch the video to see how we turned Bayer’s party into a PR disaster -- with your help.

Thanks for all that you do,
Christian, Wiebke, Anne and the whole team at SumOfUs

PS: All this work is only possible because incredible members chip in a little each month to sustain our small, lean team of dedicated campaigners. Our tiny team stretches every cent to make it count. If you can, please consider chipping in monthly.

More information:

Bayer's general meeting accompanied by protests, Handelsblatt, May 25, 2018 (in German)
EU Approves Ban on 'Bee-Killing' Neonicotinoids , EcoWatch, April 27, 2018

SumOfUs is a community of people from around the world committed to curbing the growing power of corporations. We want to buy from, work for and invest in companies that respect the environment, treat their workers well and respect democracy. And we’re not afraid to stand up to them when they don’t.

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