Canada's music industry wants you to pay up

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The Canadian music industry is refusing to move out of the Stone Age—and they... want Canadians to pay for their lagging behind.

Industry lobbyists are pushing for a "copying" tax on every device we use to listen to music, as if it's 1999 and people are using Napster to steal music!1

This is the kind of absurd proposal we're fighting during Canada's copyright-law review. We need to stop overgrown publishing giants, the outdated music industry, and fat-cat ISPs from censoring the free and open Internet—and profiting from it.

Will you chip in to help stop industry lobbyists from charging taxes and censoring our Internet?

Even though we now get our music from paid streaming services such as Spotify or Pandora, the industry is treating us like we're passing around pirated songs burned onto CDs. And its lobbyists are trying to add a $3.50 tax to the price of every device with which we can listen to music in order to compensate for the "copying."

Meanwhile, Bell is lobbying for a website-blocking agency that could block any and all content it wants to, without court oversight—just with an accusation of "piracy."2

And it's just a matter of time before publishing corporations working in Canada propose an upload-filter requirement like the one being considered in the EU.

Canada's copyright law can make or break our ability to access content, share information, and express ourselves online. But OpenMedia has a plan to fight back and keep it in line with the free and open Internet, and we need your help.

Will you chip in to help stop industry lobbyists from charging taxes and censoring our Internet?


Thanks for everything you do,

Marie, and the whole team at OpenMedia

[1] Canadian Music Industry Wants Government to Pay Copying Fee for Every Smartphone Sold in Canada: Michael Geist
[2] Bell Calls for CRTC-Backed Website Blocking System and Complete Criminalization of Copyright in NAFTA: Michael Geist


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