[evoz] Social Justice Film Night

Social JUstice Film Night Presents 2 Films on Palestine
“Two-State Solution Explained”

Israel’s war on Gaza has got many people talking again about the need for a two-state solution. It is often presented as the only option to bring lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians. But what is the two-state solution, is it actually possible, and why are some people talking about a “one-state solution” instead?


"The Palestine Exception"

The crackdown on Israel

criticism at the Columbia and other US campuses

6pm Thurs May 16

588 Burnside Rd. East


6:00pm Sautéed Smokies, Veggies & Beverages will be served at $10 each

Film starts at 7:00pm

Admission by Donation

Sponsored by the Victoria Friends of Cuba

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