Pacific Blue Cross Members - Stop CEO Brian Day from ushering in Privatization through your benefits

NationBuilder r1

Paov --

Dun-e Dun-e... Duun-e Duun-e... Whenever private surgical clinic CEO Dr. Brian Day’s name comes up, the theme song from “Jaws” plays in my head. That's because the BC Health Coalition spent more than a decade fighting Day’s legal attempt to break Canada’s public health care system.

Now, Doctor Day is running to be a director of the Pacific Blue Cross Board with the objective of ushering in privatization through BC’s largest not-for-profit extended benefits provider.

But we stopped him in the courts, and we will stop him now! There are only three board seats available, two of which are for doctors. If Pacific Blue Cross members vote for candidates who prioritize people over profit, we can keep Day away.


The following candidates want PBC to remain a strong, not-for-profit health insurance provider.

More Information:

  • Vote Here
  • You can learn more about the endorsed candidates here.
  • The voting period closes Monday, June 17 at 4:30 p.m.
  • To vote, you will need your Policy Number and ID Number, which you can find on your PBC ID card.
  • If you have trouble voting, you can contact PBC for help during business hours at 604-419-2098

Ayendri, BC Health Coalition

British Columbia Health Coalition · 3102 Main St, 302, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territories, BC V5T 3G7, Canada
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