Are you ready to vote?
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- Published on Sunday, 29 November -0001 16:00
- Written by editor

Let’s hold our candidates accountable
Hi Paov,
B.C. is headed for another provincial election on October 19. And there’s a lot at stake, including the climate and biodiversity crises that you and I care deeply about.
The election features parties whose stances range from questionable to downright concerning. As a federal charity, we don’t endorse any candidate or party. Instead, we're calling on you to vote and hold your candidate accountable before, during and after the election.
This year, we’ve compiled a one-stop shop for resources on key issues to help you ask those seeking your votes... about their plans to safeguard endangered species, protect old-growth forests and fight climate change.
No matter who wins the election, all 93 MLAs in B.C.’s legislature need to do more to protect the lands and waters we all depend on. We need to hold these officials accountable.
Let them know what our priorities are and what we expect them to do before the election. Research your candidate, ask them tough questions and vote.
Voting in elections is just one way we can engage in environmental politics. Being an informed and active community member extends beyond the narrow four-year election cycle. It takes us from the ballot box to neighborhood events and demonstrations in our streets. It pushes us to witness and restore what matters most.
That’s the work that most excites me and I can’t wait to continue it with all of you!
For the wild,

Associate Director
Wilderness Committee
P.S. For those of you on southern Vancouver Island, our team here is cooking up a fun event to turn up the heat on those running for MLA here. Join our team on September 26 for Grill Your Candidates! in Victoria. Grill your candidate about where they stand on old-growth forests while we grill up the hotdogs and veggie dogs.

With your support as a monthly donor, we'll be an unstoppable force for change. Donate now to make a difference!