[evoz] “Karuara, People of the River," fi

Coming to Victoria: “Karuara, People of the River” free screening at UVic Cinecenta: Monday November 18th at 7pm. Co-produced by Stephanie Boyd and Mariluz Canaquiri. Both producers will be in attendance at this film showing. The film is about Mariluz Canaquiri's struggle to protect her river and spirit universe below called “Karuara, People of the River” — though it’s not just “about” her struggle, Mariluz is not just the film’s protagonist, she’s also the co-producer. The film is part of a successful campaign to have the Marañón River declared a legal person, with rights - the final verdict was just upheld last week by a Peruvian appeals court. A coalition of Canadian lawyers and academics from the Environmental Law Center (ELC) at the University of Victoria & the Justice & Corporate Accountability Project (JCAP), presented an amicus curiae in the Peruvian court to support the lawsuit. The film premiered at Hot Docs Festival this spring in Toronto and won two prizes at Lima’s big film festival: Audience Choice and Best Peruvian film. Last week it won Best Amazon film at a regional festival in Peru and was screened at the Banff Mountain film and book festival. Please share with your friends or lists.POSTAL KARUARA victoria LOW res

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