For-profit surgical clinic is finally being forced to pay for its case against public health care

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If Cambie Surgeries had been successful in its case against public health care it would have allowed US private insurance companies to compete with and transform Canada’s public health care system

On Monday January 27, the BC Supreme Court clarified that Cambie Surgeries, a for-profit surgical clinic, was financially motivated in launching a case against public health care. As part of the decision, the Court found that the clinic should pay for some of the legal costs that were incurred. It is estimated that Cambie Surgical Clinic made tens of millions of dollars in profits, by continuing to charge patients for services that should be free, while the case dragged on for over a decade.

The judgement also referred to the BC Health Coalition as intervenors in the case because of our substantial contributions to fighting the case in the courts. We were represented by renowned human rights lawyer Joe Arvay, our arguments, evidence and expert witnesses were fundamental to... winning and protecting public health care for everyone in Canada.

Our intervention was only thanks to the support of our organizational members and people like you. It has taken decades to build our system of public health care, and it’s only through your continued support that we’ll be able to protect and improve it for generations to come. Whether you have donated or taken part in one of our campaigns, thank you.

Our work does not end here, the BC Health Coalition is building a movement to protect and improve our health care. Stay tuned for more actions and opportunities this year. Together, we can achieve our vision of health care for all.


In Solidarity,

Ayendri Riddell (she/her)
Director of Policy and Campaigns
BC Health Coalition

British Columbia Health Coalition · 3102 Main St, 302, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territories, BC V5T 3G7, Canada
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