Citizens Press
PAOV- Code of Conduct - Citizens Press is an open platform for expression on all the issues that concerns the People’s Assembly of Victoria and the global occupy movements, it is the responsibility of the contributors to uphold the code of conduct.
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We will remove posts that have been reported and determined as are derogatory, intolerant, racist, sexist, intentionally malicious, bigotry and overtly counterproductive.
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Action Alert: Stop the Open Season on BC's Wolves!
- Details
- Published on Monday, 26 November 2012 18:06
- Written by editor
Action Alert: Help Stop the Open Season on BC's Wolves
Wolves in British Columbia are in grave danger, and they need your help now.
The BC government recently released a draft management plan for grey wolves in the province, with the stated intention of protecting livestock and some endangered wildlife populations through the increased hunting and killing of wolves.
The BC government’s plan proposes more lenient rules on “recreational” wolf hunting and even shooting down entire wolf packs from helicopters as part of “wolf management”. The plan makes no mention of wolves’ tourism or wildlife viewing value, nor does it offer any other alternatives to protect farm animals, such as improved fencing, or in the event of losses, increased compensation for farmers.
To make matters worse, recreational hunters in northern BC have launched a controversial contest with cash prizes for those who kill the biggest wolves. The contest has been decried by environmentalists and scientists alike.
Hunting is a valued tradition in Canada and has helped feed...
Read more: Action Alert: Stop the Open Season on BC's Wolves!
Dignity Village - A Community By and For the Homeless
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- Published on Monday, 26 November 2012 21:44
- Written by author
Peak Moment 223: "Anybody can come through our gates 8 am-10 pm and use all of our facilities. We have hot showers, a telephone, free computers internet-ready, our commons, offices, [and a free store of donated items.] Anybody has access to this." Tour guide Jon Hawkes highlights this community's generosity to the larger community: its residents well understand what homeless people need. Visit their greenhouse, gardens, houses, and business enterprises — all built with ingenuity on a city-owned site.
Upcoming Events-Nov
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- Published on Tuesday, 06 November 2012 19:00
- Written by author
Date | Title | Calendar | Location |
Sun Nov 11 10:45am - 11:45am | Spirit of the Republic - A Remembrance Day Alternative | Wider Community | Belleville St & Menzies St Victoria, BC V8V |
Tue Nov 13 7:00pm - 9:00pm | Yves Engler Book Tour: The Ugly Canadian: Stephen Harper’s Foreign Policy | CAIA | David Strong Building, UVic, Victoria, BC |
Wed Nov 14 11:30am - 1:30pm | Yves Engler Book Tour: The Ugly Canadian: Stephen Harper’s Foreign Policy second appearance | CAIA | Wilna Thomas Room 103, Camosun College, Victoria, BC |
Thu Nov 15 6:30pm - 9:00pm | Resilient Neighbourhoods Workshop #1: Growing a "Resilient" Neighbourhood | Transition Victoria | 1767 Island Highway, Colwood |
Fri Nov 23 7:00pm - 10:00pm | David Rovics in Concert | CAIA | 2994 Douglas St, Victoria, BC |
Tue Dec 04 6:30pm - 9:00pm | Resilient Neighbourhoods Workshop #2: Economic Change at the Local Level | Transition Victoria | 471 Cecelia Road, Victoria, BC |
Thu Jan 17 6:30pm - 9:00pm | Resilient Neighbourhoods Workshop #3: Engaging Our Neighbours | Transition Victoria | 231 Regina Avenue, Victoria, bc |
In two weeks, Prime Minister Harper could pass the most secretive and sweeping trade deal of a generation.
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- Published on Friday, 02 November 2012 13:33
- Written by registered
This deal would pave the way for a massive natural resource buyout and allow foreign corporations to sue the Canadian government in secret tribunals, restricting Canadians from making democratic decisions about our economy, environment and energy.1
Most Canadians have never heard of FIPA, the Canada-China Foreign Investment Protection Agreement, because Prime Minister Harper is trying to sneak it through without a single vote or debate in Parliament.2,3
Canadians have a right to determine our future, but this agreement will undermine our democratic rights and lock us into an inescapable path of foreign-ownership and resource extraction until at least 2040.
The Canada-China FIPA is set for automatic approval on October 31st unless we get the word out now that the Harper Conservatives are trying bypass Parliament and sneak this deal by Canadians. That’s why we partnered with on this campaign – if enough of us raise our voices now, we can create a massive public outcry to stop this devastating deal in its tracks.
The 12th Annual Media Democracy Days Kicks Off TODAY!
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- Published on Friday, 02 November 2012 12:40
FRIDAY NOV 02 | 1:00-5:30PM
Hands-on Workshops
[VPL Central Library | 350 W. Georgia St.]FRIDAY NOV 02 | 6:30-11:00PM
Keynote: Sunera Thobani
Screening: Words of Witness
MDD Opening Reception (Sponsored by Vancity)
[SFU Woodward's | 149 W. Hastings St.]SATURDAY NOV 03 | 12:00-5:30PM
Opening Plenary: Ricardo Dominguez
Panel Discussion Session
Closing Plenary
[VPL Central Library | 350 W. Georgia St.]
A crowd gathers October 22nd changing us here is B.C. forever:
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- Published on Monday, 05 November 2012 01:49
Yesterday a.m. before teaching I went to the opening speeches of “Defend our Coast.” I was nervous as I had seen invitations to civil disobedience school promoted the weekend before
Read more: A crowd gathers October 22nd changing us here is B.C. forever:
New Video: Island Opposition to Raven Coal Mine
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- Published on Tuesday, 16 October 2012 15:35
- Written by registered
Here on Vancouver Island, Compliance Energy’s proposed Raven Underground Coal Project is causing a lot of concern among citizens, businesses and communities.
With plans to mine more than 28 million metric tonnes of coal and rock, this proposed mine represents a huge threat to the Island’s air and water quality, not to mention our fragile ecosystems and endangered wildlife. Potential environmental impacts from this project would hurt the more sustainable fishing, tourism, and shellfish industries that depend on the ecological health of central Vancouver Island.
Compliance is risking all this to export coal, the world’s dirtiest resource. This is not sustainable development—this is a huge leap back into the boom-bust resource cycle that has caused environmental damage and economic hardship in small communities up and down this coast.