PAOV- Code of Conduct - Citizens Press is an open platform for expression on all the issues that concerns the People’s Assembly of Victoria and the global occupy movements, it is the responsibility of the contributors to uphold the code of conduct.
Our values are inclusivity, empowerment, awareness, creativity, community, diversity and respect.
We will remove posts that have been reported and determined as are derogatory, intolerant, racist, sexist, intentionally malicious, bigotry and overtly counterproductive.
Removed posts will be given the opportunity to edit, resubmit and meet our code of conduct.
Dear Friends of SJS, Please join us this coming week for our First Conversation with Activists:
-- Margo MatwychukDirector Social Justice Studies ProgramUniversity of on TwitterUVicSJS on FacebookUVicSJS on YouTube
You have received this email because you signed up for the UVic Social Justice Studies email list. To be removed respond to this email with "REMOVE" in the subject line.
-- Margo MatwychukDirector Social Justice Studies ProgramUniversity of on TwitterUVicSJS on FacebookUVicSJS on YouTube
You have received this email because you signed up for the UVic Social Justice Studies email list. To be removed respond to this email with "REMOVE" in the subject line.
It's been a minute since we sent an update as we thought everyone could use a break during the holidays. We're back on track over here though and not wasting time to make 2014 one to remember! We've been in the studio working on some new songs and will continue before going on tour for quite a bit... check out the dates below! Some of the shows are selling fast so we strongly suggest you pick up your tickets in advance. All the details are here:
In other news, the album of our friend Angel Haze is out so grab it and support! We produced the song she entitled A Tribe Called Red and you can watch the lyrics video here: . Speaking of video, we shot a music video for our song Sisters last month and it should be ready soon, so keep an eye out for this one!
Finally, we'll have some new merch ready soon (hoodies and kids shirt) and working on other surprises too. We'll post it on our Facebook or Twitter, but you'll find them on our store page here:
Download File Download File Dear Friends of SJS, here are some upcoming events and information sponsored by our partners that may be of interest to you: Wednesday, January 29, Book Launch of Undoing Border Imperialism with author and social activist Harsha Walia. Undoing Border Imperialism is an exciting new book that situates immigrant rights’ movements within a transnational analysis of capitalism, labour exploitation, settler colonialism, state building, and racialized empire. Wednesday, January 29, 12:30 pm, Harry Hickman Building, Room 116, Uvic. Free and open to the public. See attached poster for details. Community Launch also Wed. evening at BCGEU Bldg, 2994 Douglas, 5:30-7:30 pm. (see attached poster)
jpJohn PriceProfessor of HistoryUniversity of VictoriaWeb:
PO Box 3045 STN CSCVictoria, B.C.V8W 3P4Tel: 250 721-7386Fax: 250 721-8772 Hello VIPIRG Supporter!
We're writing to invite you to join us in 2014 with a new, once-a-month newsletter to keep you in the loop on VIPIRG projects, events, and...
Hi friends,You are invited to our upcoming event this Saturday, Jan 25th.Victoria Friends of Cuba Music by:Art FarquharsonHazelwood & O'DeanThe Raging Grannies Working for a Clean Environment, Social Justice Equality and Peace Activists from various committees will state what this new year has in store for us and what we can do to change our world United in Solidarity Organized by the Victoria Friends of Cuba Committee
Hi friends,You are invited to our upcoming event this Saturday, Jan 25th.Victoria Friends of Cuba Music by:Art FarquharsonHazelwood & O'DeanThe Raging Grannies Working for a Clean Environment, Social Justice Equality and Peace Activists from various committees will state what this new year has in store for us and what we can do to change our world United in Solidarity Organized by the Victoria Friends of Cuba Committee
Download File Download File Dear Friends of SJS, We are honored to announce that our upcoming Annual Lecture speaker will be Dr. Yvonne Shorter Brown. Dr. Brown is a retired public school teacher, university lecturer, researcher, writer and social justice activist. She was recently a post-doctoral fellow at the Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on the Global Migration of African Peoples, York University. Her research, writing, and workshop focus on how the legacies of the transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery on the continent of Africa and in its Diasporas are remembered in various struggles for citizenship.
Dr. Brown's SJS Annual Lecture is entitled: Is There More That Canadians Should Know About Slavery, Besides the Fact and the Myth of the Underground Railroad Friday, January 31st at 7:30 p.m. in the Hickman Building, HHB 105 (poster attached)
Dr. Brown will also be speaking presenting at the following events (poster attached): Thursday, Jan....
Parksville Qualicum Beach News, January 23, 2014
Re: PQB News January 9, 2014: “ Raven to re-submit coal mine
application by end of March”
What a revelation by Stephen Ellis of Compliance Energy Corporation
that getting the Raven Coal Mine Application re-submitted is slower
than anticipated and getting the information required by the
government has taken some time.
Compliance was an active participant for several years in drafting the
Application Information Requirements (AIR) which were finalized on
June 7, 2012. They had full knowledge of the required information and
after 10 months submitted their Application which on May 16, 2013 was
rejected because it did not yet contain all of the required
information set out in the AIR. Compliance’s response was that it was
typical and not unexpected after a first review. Hardly an adequate
response when Compliance had or should have...
Community Social Planning Council and United Way of Greater Victoria
present a
Community Action Plan on Poverty ACTION FORUM
January 28, 2014 8:30am to 4:30pm at the University of Victoria (Building and Room to be announced)
Place-based service delivery and community development models are often highlighted as promising, concrete and innovative solutions to provide effective community based supports for vulnerable residents, especially children and their families. This forum will bring together policy makers, program developers, community leaders, funders, and service providers for a focused learning and solutions oriented session around this topic. This is an opportunity to share resources, learn from promising practices here and in other jurisdictions, and develop relevant local responses.
WorkshopsATLAS EVOLUTION is Coming
Ranan will be giving a FREE presentation on Monday January 27th at 7pm here at Ingredients. All attendants are offered a FREE check up.
(RSVP to secure a spot.)
Private appointments also available from Jan 27th through Feb 6th.
to RSVP for a private appointment:
310 266 5321This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ranan will also be at the Victoria Health ShowJanuary 25 - 26th at Pearkes Recreation Centre3100 Tillicum RD (behind Tillicum mall) "I searched for years for someone who could effectively correct the position of the Atlas. Recently, I discovered Ranan and received this revolutionary treatment from him. Immediately and noticeably, I felt better than ever! I highly recommend his work!"
- David Wolfe, CEO
2013 Sustainability Awards nomination process is now open! Do you know a UVic student or staff member who is going above and beyond to help the university achieve its sustainability goals? Nominations for both the student and staff sustainability award are being accepted until February 21st Find out more on the
Awards tab here.
Do you think you could exist without plastic for an entire year? That’s what one UVic staffer is trying to do.
Read her blog to find out more about her heroic efforts.
The recently formed UVic Cycling Club has launched a new
website and
Facebook page. Check them out if you are interested in joining other lovers of cycling for group rides and other fun events.
You might be beginning to wonder if the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline project...
Download File Download File 1. Never Mine Clayoquot - Tuesday Jan 21 @ 7pm University of Victoria, Human and Social Development Bldg Room A240 2. Signals & Dangers: Panel Discussion on Public Education in BC - Thursday Jan 23 @ 7pmUniversity of Victoria Hickman Bldg Room 105 3. Non-Violent Direct Action Workshop - Saturday Jan 25 @ 10am-3pmFriends Meeting House, 1831 Fern Street, Victoria 4. Rally for Postal Workers: Save Your Canada Post - Monday Jan 27 @ 12 Noon 706 Yates Street, downtown Victoria
Did you know - the Mediterranean Middle Eastern Deli (Blair Mart) at 924
Pandora, across from “Our Place”, sells Zatoun olive oil ! Help support the Palestinian economy. Many of their other products do not survive the long delays caused by the Occupation.
From: Ben Isitt [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] Sent: January-18-14 11:11 AM To: r50 Subject: SEA News - Events this Week
Dear Friends!
SEA members are involved in several important events this week, partnering with allied organizations to advance our goal of applying socialist and ecological principles to the governance of our communities.
We hope to see you!
1. Never Mine Clayoquot - Tuesday Jan 21 @ 7pm
University of Victoria, Human and Social Development Bldg Room A240
The Wilderness Committee, Friends of Clayoquot Sound and SEA invite you to learn about the current Fandora Gold Mine proposal in Tla-o-qui-aht Territory in Clayoquot Sound. Saya Masso, a Councillor and Natural Resource Manager for the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, will highlight the current status of mine development and efforts to stop this short-sighted proposal. Panelists...
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ben Isitt<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Date: Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 11:11 AM Subject: SEA News - Events this Week To: r50
Dear Friends!
SEA members are involved in several important events this week, partnering with allied organizations to advance our goal of applying socialist and ecological principles to the governance of our communities.
We hope to see you!
1. Never Mine Clayoquot - Tuesday Jan 21 @ 7pm University of Victoria, Human and Social Development Bldg Room A240 The Wilderness Committee, Friends of Clayoquot Sound and SEA invite you to learn about the current Fandora Gold Mine proposal in Tla-o-qui-aht Territory in Clayoquot Sound. Saya Masso, a Councillor and Natural Resource Manager for the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, will highlight the current status of mine development and efforts to stop this short-sighted proposal. Panelists will also highlight
Read more: Fwd: SEA News - Events this Week
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Hanna Kawas<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Date: Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 12:12 PM Subject: Last Chance to Sign the Petition against Harper's Trip To: Info CPA <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Last Chance to Add your Voice to Say NO to Harper Before the Petition is Delivered! The Prime Minster of
Canada Stephen Harper will be visiting Israel, Jordan and the West Bank
starting Jan. 19, 2014. We urge the
Palestinian and Jordanian people to tell Mr. Harper “You are not welcome in our
homeland.” We urge peace loving Canadians to speak up and say: “Not in our
names.” we also urge our international supporters of justice and peace in
Palestine, to tell him: “Shame on you and your government and Stop supporting
Israeli Apartheid!”