Citizens Press
PAOV- Code of Conduct - Citizens Press is an open platform for expression on all the issues that concerns the People’s Assembly of Victoria and the global occupy movements, it is the responsibility of the contributors to uphold the code of conduct.
Our values are inclusivity, empowerment, awareness, creativity, community, diversity and respect.
We will remove posts that have been reported and determined as are derogatory, intolerant, racist, sexist, intentionally malicious, bigotry and overtly counterproductive.
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Did you see Whitney's email?
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- Published on Tuesday, 10 October 2023 12:33
- Written by editor
[evoz] Save the date: Cafe Simpatico Friday October 27
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- Published on Tuesday, 10 October 2023 12:23
- Written by editor

Cafe Simpatico
Friday, October 27, 2023
Paul Phillips Hall at Fernwood Community Association 1923 Fernwood Road Doors open at 7:00 PM: Program at 7:30 PM
Join the Central America Support Committee and award-winning film maker Judy Jackson for a screening of Judy's film 'Central America and the Migrant Crisis - Where Can We Live in Peace'. The film discusses the story of the ABBA House migrant shelter founded by Pastor Ignacio Ramirez in Celaya, Mexico. This sanctuary helps tens of thousands of migrants, many women and children, who are fleeing violence, crime, climate change and corruption in Central America.

Recently, Pastor Ignacio was donated a large piece of land on which to build his vision of a Cultural and Human Rights Centre that will offer amputees medical, music and art therapy, along with educational workshops. It will be an example to the world of what is possible. We hope the event raises awareness regarding this amazing project.
Everyone is welcome! Refreshments including Fair Trade Nicaraguan coffee. Come see old friends, meet new people, and show your support for Latin America. Donations at this event are for ABBA House.
Sponsored by Central America Support...
Read more: [evoz] Save the date: Cafe Simpatico Friday October 27
Join the Movement to End Fracking on Oct 17
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- Published on Tuesday, 10 October 2023 09:03
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Your invited to the Oct 17 Frack Free BC Organizing Call
Hi Paov,
If you are getting this email, you are likely already well aware what kind of summer we just had in BC. The 2023 wildfires were the most destructive the province has ever seen.
Until next year, of course.
Climate disasters like wildfires and floods will just keep getting worse as long as we continue to burn fossil fuels. That's why, over the summer, Frack Free BC activists turned up the heat on decision makers by organizing rallies outside MLA offices throughout the province calling on the government to end fracking in BC.
Join us at the organizing meeting on October 17 at 5:30 pst to learn how you can get involved in the next phase of our plans

As the legislature reconvenes for its fall session and the BC NDP prepares for its upcoming November convention, the province is entering an...
Tell the feds: Stand up to Big Oils
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- Published on Saturday, 07 October 2023 09:06
- Written by editor

Demand a strong emissions cap now!
Dear Paov,
For over a decade, we’ve fought Canada’s plans for oil and gas expansion because the industry’s growing emissions undo any effort people make in their own communities to limit pollution.
Together, we’ve stopped liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, the Northern Gateway and Energy East pipelines and the largest ever tar sands mine. We’re still fighting like hell against the rest — but it’s hard to win this game of whack-a-mole.
Now the federal government is planning to introduce a cap on oil and gas emissions that, if done right, could stop these bad projects before they’re ever proposed. Can you make sure they deliver?

We know fossil fuel lobbyists like the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers have been pushing back hard on this, trying to secure more...
Join us to end profit in long-term care
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- Published on Friday, 06 October 2023 10:34
- Written by editor
Dear Paov,
Have you seen the latest report from the Office of the Seniors Advocate reviewing long-term care in BC? For-profit long-term care operators are making record profits while under-delivering care hours at alarming rates, and British Columbians – whether residents, family members of residents, or workers in long-term care homes - are paying for it.
Join us on October 31, 2023 from 2:00pm to 3:30pm on Zoom for our Campaign Call to hear directly from the BC Seniors Advocate, Isobel Mackenzie on her latest report.
Register Now!We need British Columbians to mobilize a show of support for funding reform in long-term care. Minister of Health Adrian Dix has said the province is working on a new funding model, but for-profit companies will be lobbying hard to safeguard their publicly funded profits.
You can send a clear message: we support funding reform!
The current model incentivizes operators to spend less money on...
How can we protect biodiversity?
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- Published on Thursday, 05 October 2023 12:04
- Written by editor
A Day of Action to remember
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- Published on Wednesday, 04 October 2023 17:05
- Written by editor

People took to the streets for old-growth across BC
Hi Paov,
Last Thursday was a day to remember, with beautiful banners, energetic chants and stirring speeches outside more than 17 MLA offices across the province!
The United for Old Growth Day of Action was a huge success, earning headlines and sending members of the government back to the legislature this week with a clear message: keep your promises to protect ancient forests.

We worked with our friends at Elders for Ancient Trees,, Sierra Club BC and Wildsight to announce and promote the Day of Action. But the real credit belongs to the countless local organizers who stepped up to host rallies from Nelson to Comox to Surrey. To everyone who planned logistics, made banners and art, contacted local media and showed up to these demonstrations: thank you!
This fall was chosen for this Day of Action because September 11 marked three years since the release of the Old Growth Strategic Review, a landmark...
We're at a tipping point
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- Published on Tuesday, 03 October 2023 12:45
- Written by editor
Picture a place you love
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- Published on Wednesday, 27 September 2023 15:37
- Written by editor
[evoz] Reminder: Cafe Simpatico - Friday, Sep 29
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- Published on Monday, 25 September 2023 11:16
- Written by editor

Cafe Simpatico
Friday, September 29, 2023
Paul Phillips Hall at Fernwood Community Association 1923 Fernwood Road Doors open at 7:00 PM: Program at 7:30 PM
Join us in September for the first Cafe of the fall season.
The Guatemalan Election

Samuel Perez de Leon teaches economics, development, and Global affairs at Pearson College. Dr. Perez will tell us how his 30 year-old son, Samuel Perez Alvarez co-founded the tiny Semilla (Seed) party, which unexpectedly gained a clear majority in the election runoff on August 28th. Bernardo Arevelo de Leon, the son of Guatemala’s first democratically President Juan Jose Arevelo, defeated former First Lady Sandra Torres, to become President. He is the son of Guatemala's first elected President, Juan Jose Arevelo, a social democrat. Semilla’s stated aim of fighting corruption has led to official harassment - police raided their offices, and a judge tried to knock them off
the ballot. The U.S. and European countries are concerned because Semilla won’t be officially inaugurated until January 2024. Anything can happen during these months because the country is run by what is known as
“The Pacto De Corruptos’ (Covenant of the corrupt.) The recent assassination of Ecuadorian Presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, who was also campaigning against corruption...
Climate action can't wait
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- Published on Wednesday, 20 September 2023 16:19
- Written by editor
Why environmentalism must support Land Back
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- Published on Wednesday, 20 September 2023 16:11
- Written by editor

Changing the conservation conversation
Hi Paov,
Biodiversity and climate change are having a moment. Government leaders, celebrities and mainstream media are talking about conservation like never before for good reason. Our future on this planet is at stake.
While protecting lands and waters is a way to address the damage wrought by centuries of unsustainable development, it’s more importantly a chance to right the wrongs at the foundation of a country like Canada: colonialism and the theft of land from this continent's original inhabitants.
The Indigenous-led Land Back movement has emerged as a way for communities to envision and enact authority over their territories — authority in line with their laws, cultures and governance models that long predate this country, its provinces and territories.
Conservation efforts must support Land Back and call on our governments to put returning land to First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities at the centre of efforts to protect nature.

Thanks to your support we published Changing Conservation:...
What does a better world look like?
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- Published on Saturday, 16 September 2023 09:08
- Written by editor

Check out our dreamy sketch of 2050
Hi Paov,
All over the world this weekend, communities are taking to the streets to demand a better world as part of the global March to End Fossil Fuels. After a summer of brutal climate disasters, it can be hard to picture victory — what that world actually looks like.
Last year, our staff put our heads together to come up with a vision of the world we’re working for. Over the summer, we worked with artist Katie Laronde from Drawing Change, who turned our conversation into this gorgeous illustration.
Now I’m happy to share it with you in graphic form.

If you’re anything like the rest of us, a little reminder that a better world is possible is necessary from time to time. Despite often bleak news about the biodiversity and climate crises, with enough of us working to take care of the planet and each other — we'll get there. Millions...
[evoz] Reminder: Cafe Simpatico - Sep 29
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- Published on Friday, 15 September 2023 10:06
- Written by editor

Cafe Simpatico
Friday, September 29, 2023
Paul Phillips Hall at Fernwood Community Association 1923 Fernwood Road Doors open at 7:00 PM: Program at 7:30 PM
Join us in September for the first Cafe of the fall season.
The Guatemalan Election

Samuel Perez de Leon teaches economics, development, and Global affairs at Pearson College. Dr. Perez will tell us how his 30 year-old son, Samuel Perez Alvarez co-founded the tiny Semilla (Seed) party, which unexpectedly gained a clear majority in the election runoff on August 28th. Bernardo Arevelo de Leon, the son of Guatemala’s first democratically President Juan Jose Arevelo, defeated former First Lady Sandra Torres, to become President. He is the son of Guatemala's first elected President, Juan Jose Arevelo, a social democrat. Semilla’s stated aim of fighting corruption has led to official harassment - police raided their offices, and a judge tried to knock them off
the ballot. The U.S. and European countries are concerned because Semilla won’t be officially inaugurated until January 2024. Anything can happen during these months because the country is run by what is known as
“The Pacto De Corruptos’ (Covenant of the corrupt.) The recent assassination of Ecuadorian Presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, who was also campaigning against corruption...
Missed three-year deadline on old-growth
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- Published on Monday, 11 September 2023 17:04
- Written by editor

The BC NDP is still failing to protect irreplaceable forests
Hi Paov,
Three years ago today, I sent an email to our supporters full of hope for old-growth forests.
After years of insisting all was well in the woods, the BC government finally admitted there was a problem, releasing "A New Future For Old Forests." This report was the result of the Old Growth Strategic Review (OGSR), the largest independent assessment of forest policy in BC history. The report called status quo logging unsustainable and recommended a paradigm shift in the forests.
For First Nations, communities and organizations like the Wilderness Committee who’ve been fighting for old-growth forests for decades, this report was a vindication. A lot of work was needed, but the government finally made the commitments we needed it to.
In the three years since, the BC NDP hasn’t lived up to its word.

Lets be inspired by resilience
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- Published on Saturday, 09 September 2023 09:07
- Written by editor

Our 2024 Wild Canada calendar shouts it from the rooftops
Hi Paov,
We all need a little bit of inspiration these days.
From flooding in Nova Scotia to wildfire evacuations in Yellowknife and Kelowna and smoke filled skies everywhere in between and beyond, communities have to fight to survive.
Our 2024 Wild Canada Endangered Species and Spaces calendar is here to inspire us with astonishing examples of iconic, resilient species that fight to survive against the odds.

The endangered southern resident killer whales that adorn the cover are down to a population of just over 70. Even with increased threats to their habitat and food source each year, a baby born this past June symbolizes their resilience. The last wild spotted owl in Canada, the threatened southern mountain caribou and endangered Williamson’s sapsucker inspire us as they persist despite decades of logging destroying their old forest homes.
These images of resilience are...
Nows the time to hit the streets for
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- Published on Tuesday, 05 September 2023 14:12
- Written by editor

Two critical climate rallies across Canada
Hi Paov,
After a summer of brutal wildfires, it’s never been more important to show governments we need to stand up to Big Oil. It’s been a few years since the global community gathered en masse to demand climate justice from our governments. Let’s remind lawmakers they must use their power to limit this crisis.
All across Canada and around the world, people will hit the streets this September for the global march to end fossil fuels. We know climate disasters only get worse until we stop burning coal, oil and gas. Join us in Victoria, Vancouver, Winnipeg and Toronto — or wherever you live!
- Vancouver: 1 pm to 4 pm on Sept. 15 starting at Vancouver City Hall
- Victoria: 4 pm to 6 pm on Sept. 15 at the BC Legislature
- Toronto: 11 am to 1 pm on Sept. 16 starting at Queen’s Park
Climate disasters hit home. Heres wh
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- Published on Thursday, 31 August 2023 17:16
- Written by editor
Your monthly update from the BC Health Coalition
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- Published on Thursday, 31 August 2023 07:59
- Written by editor

Your August 2023 monthly update from
BC Health Coalition
The Privatization of our Healthcare System Will Lead to Worse Care and Longer Waits
The BC Health Coalition is extremely concerned that the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is embarking on a national consultation and cross-country townhall series that promote the tired debate of public-private health care. We're joining with allies across the country to push back and remind both the CMA and the public that the evidence is conclusive on this topic and the "debate" was settled in the 880-page Cambie ruling: private pay is not going to improve access, but lead to worse care and longer waits.
We're thankful to Canadian Doctors for Medicare for being an evidence-based voice within the medical profession. Take a look at some of their recent work:
♪ Just like that, were going on to
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- Published on Tuesday, 29 August 2023 15:58
- Written by editor

Stop by and say hi when you get to the concert
Hi Paov,
Being invited by Bonnie Raitt as a preferred charity to join her on her Canadian tour is definitely something to talk about. We are so honoured.
Bonnie and the Wilderness Committee have been in the environmental movement since the 80s. We first met in the fight to save the old-growth forests of Clayoquot Sound on Vancouver Island.

But that’s not all we both care about. We both believe in the absolute necessity of protecting biodiversity and species habitat. We both know stemming climate change means stopping fossil fuel expansion and is the only way we can ensure we have a planet to live on. We both respect the rights and title of the Indigenous Peoples who are the original stewards of the lands and waters we are working to protect so we must do that work together.
It’s hard not to worry about the state of the world...
More Articles...
- Last spotted owl old-growth habitat targeted for logging
- [evoz] Fundraiser for Cuba
- [evoz] Save the date: Cafe Simpatico - Sep 29
- [evoz] Victoria Friends of Cuba - Tribute To Fidel
- The power of Indigenous law in protecting nature
- Call for stories: Have you been extra-billed?
- Welcome, Guests! Summer Camp is Open
- Connecting the dots: CGL & RBCs corporate co
- Updates from the Yintah
- Your monthly update from the BC Health Coalition