Citizens Press
PAOV- Code of Conduct - Citizens Press is an open platform for expression on all the issues that concerns the People’s Assembly of Victoria and the global occupy movements, it is the responsibility of the contributors to uphold the code of conduct.
Our values are inclusivity, empowerment, awareness, creativity, community, diversity and respect.
We will remove posts that have been reported and determined as are derogatory, intolerant, racist, sexist, intentionally malicious, bigotry and overtly counterproductive.
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Last spotted owl old-growth habitat targeted for logging
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- Published on Saturday, 26 August 2023 10:04
- Written by editor

Federally mapped critical habitat must be protected to save them
Hi Paov,
I’ve just returned from several days in the spectacular old-growth forests mapped by the Canadian government as critical habitat for the near-extinct spotted owl. Some of these same forests have been designated by the BC government as old-growth priority deferral areas.
When I set out on my journey, I was buoyed by the thought that both levels of government had finally taken action to map out remaining old forest critical habitat. That has got to be a good thing, right?
But what I discovered in the Lower Mainland forested range of the spotted owl both shocked and disgusted me. Stand after stand of old forests identified by these maps have been recently mowed down and more are falling every day. It seems pretty clear to me that rather than helping to protect critical habitat, these maps are being used by logging companies to go after the last forest habitat.

[evoz] Fundraiser for Cuba
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- Published on Friday, 25 August 2023 10:33
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Saturday, Aug. 26 from 11Am till 4PM
Our Victoria Friends of Cuba committee will be selling Smokies on a Bun as a fundraiser for purchasing aid for our next delivery to Cuba.
Visit us and have a smokey.
Victoria Friends of Cuba
[evoz] Save the date: Cafe Simpatico - Sep 29
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- Published on Tuesday, 22 August 2023 19:13
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Cafe Simpatico
Friday, September 29, 2023
Paul Phillips Hall at Fernwood Community Association 1923 Fernwood Road Doors open at 7:00 PM: Program at 7:30 PM
Join us in September for the first Cafe of the fall season.
The Guatemalan Election

Samuel Perez de Leon teaches economics, development, and Global affairs at Pearson College. Dr. Perez will tell us how his 30 year-old son, Samuel Perez Alvarez co-founded the tiny Semilla (Seed) party, which unexpectedly gained a clear majority in the election runoff on August 28th. Bernardo Arevelo de Leon, the son of Guatemala’s first democratically President Juan Jose Arevelo, defeated former First Lady Sandra Torres, to become President. He is the son of Guatemala's first elected President, Juan Jose Arevelo, a social democrat. Semilla’s stated aim of fighting corruption has led to official harassment - police raided their offices, and a judge tried to knock them off
the ballot. The U.S. and European countries are concerned because Semilla won’t be officially inaugurated until January 2024. Anything can happen during these months because the country is run by what is known as
“The Pacto De Corruptos’ (Covenant of the corrupt.) The recent assassination of Ecuadorian Presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, who was also campaigning against corruption...
[evoz] Victoria Friends of Cuba - Tribute To Fidel
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- Published on Wednesday, 16 August 2023 17:44
- Written by editor
This event will start with a potluck supper (to bring a dish to share is incouraged). There will be a showing of a short documentary and there will be some live music.
We hope you, your friends and family can join us.
Look for the Cuban flag. Since parking is a bit tricky to find one of our committee member will be at the entrance to assist people in parking.
Victoria Friends of Cuba
The power of Indigenous law in protecting nature
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- Published on Wednesday, 16 August 2023 16:27
- Written by editor
Call for stories: Have you been extra-billed?
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- Published on Wednesday, 09 August 2023 15:29
- Written by editor
Hello Paov,
Have you, or someone you know, been extra-billed for health care services? Perhaps you were charged $25 as an administrative fee during your health care visit or pressured to pay thousands of dollars for a surgery.
We want to hear from you! Share your story with us today. We will keep your personal information confidential and commit never to share your responses without your prior consent.
Share your storyExtra-billing is when patients are either charged directly by their health care provider for services already covered by the Medical Services Plan or charged in addition to the amounts prescribed by the Medical Services Plan. This includes medically necessary diagnostic services such as MRI or CT scans. In other words, extra-billing means you are paying out of pocket for health care when your care card or personal health number should have covered the bill.
Despite it being unlawful, extra-billing by for-profit health care companies is pervasive...
Welcome, Guests! Summer Camp is Open
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- Published on Tuesday, 08 August 2023 00:52
- Written by editor

Unist'ot'en Camp is now accepting supporters for the summer, fall, and winter seasons!
We are currently welcoming new and returning supporters to join up for the group fun that is our
Connecting the dots: CGL & RBCs corporate co
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- Published on Tuesday, 08 August 2023 00:47
- Written by editor
Connecting the dots: CGL & RBC’s corporate colonialism Yintah Access — April 4, 2023 Connecting the dots: Coastal GasLink & Royal Bank of Canada’s corporate colonialism Exactly one week before RBC’S a

Connecting the dots: CGL & RBC’s corporate colonialism
Yintah Access — April 4, 2023
Connecting the dots: Coastal GasLink & Royal Bank of Canada’s corporate colonialism
Exactly one week before RBC’S annual shareholder meeting in Saskatoon, a large force of RCMP C-IRG raided a Gidimt’en village site and arrested five land and water defenders, mostly Indigenous women, including Chief Woos’ daughter.
On behalf of the RBC-financed Coastal GasLink pipeline, the raid accompanied a search warrant for theft under $5000 with no clear relation to the Gidimt’en village site. This comes weeks after the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission (CRCC) announced the initiation of “a systemic investigation into the activities and operations of the RCMP "E" Division Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG).”
As the primary financier of Coastal GasLink, RBC continues to fund projects in Canada and around the world that lack free, prior and informed consent of Indigenous peoples, and destroying lands from British Columbia, to Central America, East Africa and beyond.
Updates from the Yintah
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- Published on Friday, 28 July 2023 12:00
- Written by editor
Summer Work Party and Updates on CGL Incursions
Summer Work Party Announcement
Your monthly update from the BC Health Coalition
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- Published on Thursday, 27 July 2023 11:17
- Written by editor

Your July 2023 monthly update from the
BC Health Coalition
Landmark case spotlights problems of a profit-centred system
In a recent op-ed, BC Health Coalition Campaigner Noal Amir, health policy expert Andrew Longhurst, and associate professor of law Lorain Hardcastle discussed the Cambie Case and the increasing encroachment and impact of private, profit-centred health care. Although the 14-year legal saga has ended with the Supreme Court of Canada declining to hear the case, many provinces are ignoring evidence in this case indicating that a profit-centred system does not serve the public interest. Proponents of for-profit health care have mischaracterized the Charter challenge as the “right to private health care”. This framing ignores the history and facts of the case. There is no ban on privately paying for health care in Canada, and no federal or provincial legislation...
Not one more mining disaster!
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- Published on Wednesday, 26 July 2023 16:59
- Written by editor
Invoice due: Illegal extra-billing costs BC health care $23 million
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- Published on Thursday, 20 July 2023 11:00
- Written by editor
Hello Paov --
British Columbians should not be paying out of pocket for medically necessary services already covered by MSP. And yet, in 2020-2021 alone, for-profit health care companies and providers broke the law, taking $23 million from BC residents by extra-billing them for health care services already covered by the public Medical Services Plan.
Of this, $17 million was extra-billing in diagnostic imaging such as MRIs or CT scans. Extra-billing in diagnostic imaging remains widespread as the BC government has not brought into effect provisions in the Medicare Protection Act (Section 18.1) that would protect British Columbians.
Patients are being unlawfully charged anywhere between $800 - $2000 for medically necessary MRI scans by private, for-profit imaging centres, which is more than three times the cost of a scan in the public system that would be at no charge to the patient. Add your voice to our provincial call for proactive enforcement of BC's laws on extra-billing so all British Columbians are protected.
Is Canada still the cruise industrys
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- Published on Wednesday, 19 July 2023 17:28
- Written by editor
Tell for-profit companies our health is not for your profit!
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- Published on Wednesday, 12 July 2023 11:00
- Written by editor
Hello Paov --
The health of British Columbians should not be for profit. But from 2016 to 2020, for-profit health corporations unlawfully extra-billed patients taking $83 million from their pockets.
Extra-billing is when patients are directly charged by their health care provider for services already paid for by BC’s Medical Services Plan, including MRI or CT scans. The extra charges could be as little as a $10 “tray-fee” or thousands of dollars for a private operating room. Extra-billing is illegal in BC.
Show your support for the BC government to enforce the law against extra-billing so all of us are protected. Add your voice to our petition below to let for-profit corporations know that our health is not for profit.
Add your voiceAt the same time, BC was penalized
by the federal government for these corporation’s unlawful actions by
withholding Canada Health Transfer funds. These funds are...
Read more: Tell for-profit companies our health is not for your profit!
[Sjsall] Grounded Governance Course (Fall 2023) - ADMN 470/SJS 400A - Contemporary Topics in Administration & Studies in Social Justice
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- Published on Thursday, 06 July 2023 15:29
- Written by editor
Dear colleagues,
Please circulate this course advertisement with your students! It is a unique course offered jointly through the School of Public Administration and Studies in Social Justice program, with opportunities for hybrid and experiential, community-engaged learning.
Students are welcome to contact me directly for more information.
Dr. Sarah Marie Wiebe, PhD (she/her)
Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Advisor, School
of Public Administration, University of Victoria
A/Director Studies in Social Justice Program
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| @smwiebe | LinkedIn |
The School of Public Administration at the University of Victoria is situated on traditional Coast Salish territory. I acknowledge and respect the lək̓ʷəŋən-speaking peoples as well as the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day. As the process of colonization is ongoing, as are resistances to it, I intend to cultivate an approach to teaching and research that is in service to decolonization. As a School, we are committed to building...
Big Oil is full of it
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- Published on Tuesday, 27 June 2023 16:00
- Written by editor
For the love of fish
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- Published on Monday, 26 June 2023 15:38
- Written by editor
Celebrate National Indigenous People's Day and support Indigenous communities
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- Published on Tuesday, 20 June 2023 14:00
- Written by editor
Read more: Celebrate National Indigenous People's Day and support Indigenous communities
Happy BC Seniors Week
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- Published on Thursday, 15 June 2023 08:19
- Written by editor
Hi Paov --
Have you had a chance to check out last week’s call to advocate for better MSP benefits for seniors in BC?
The Jewish Seniors Alliance has made it easy to join by sending a letter to your MLA.
Email Your MLABC seniors receive inadequate MSP benefits compared to seniors in other provinces in Canada. BC needs to do more. You can find more information about this issue in our previous email below.
Send a letter to your MLA to let them know BC seniors need better benefits.
Thanks for your support.
In solidarity,
Usman Mushtaq
Coordinator, BC Health Coalition
On Thu, Jun 7, 2023 at 6:23 AM Noal, BC Health Coalition <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:
Paov --
This week marks BC Seniors week. While we recognize the many contributions BC seniors make to our communities, they receive inadequate MSP benefits compared to seniors in other provinces in Canada.
For a province that is wealthy and progressive,...
Bumble bees and monarch butterflies need your help
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- Published on Saturday, 10 June 2023 08:00
- Written by editor
Read more: Bumble bees and monarch butterflies need your help
More Articles...
- Spotted owl fight takes us to court, again!
- Happy BC Seniors Week
- Coastal GasLink is making a mess of Wetsuweten territory
- Your monthly update from the BC Health Coalition
- BC must take the Roberts Bank consultation seriously
- [evoz] Reminder: Cafe Simpatico, tomorrow, Friday, May 26
- [evoz] Cafe Simpatico: Cuba Update with ICAP Director Leima Martinez May 26
- Paov, become a BCHC member today!
- Tackling industry pollution – at sea